ACTIVITY/RECOMMENDATION/ APPROVED BY IMPLEMENTED BY UNDER DECISION BY EPPCO BOARD ADMINISTRATION REVIEW April, 1984 1. Approved Policy on Accessibility to College Programs & Services for Students with Special Needs x x 2. Recommended on Self-Funded Credit Courses Issue 3. Approved Philosophy & Goals Statements x X May, 1984 4. Reviewed Contracting for Grades Document - supported in principle - returned for additional work. Remains at Divisional level until they bring it forward again. Xx June, 1984 5. Approved Model for Development of Policy X X 6. Reviewed Document on Evaluation of Mastery Courses and found it not to be in conflict with existing policy October, 1984 7. Accepted Proposal for Long-Range Plan for Coordination of Adult Learning Services Provided by School District #42 and Douglas College X Xx November, 1984 &. Attended 5 Year Strategic Flan Workshop 9. Reviewed & Commented on Cooperative Education Proposal X 10. Briefed on Technology Fundamentals December, 1984 11. Endorsed 5 Year Strategic Plan Update Xx X February, 1985 12. Self-Funded Credit Courses Issue Resolved. x X 13. Approved Changes to Admissions Requirements and Course Prerequisites X 14. Approved Admission Criteria for Registered Psychiatric Nursing Program. x March, 1985. 15. Approved in principle the formation of a College Preparatory Program.