- 6 - OFF CAMPUS CLASSES Courses ought to be available in areas distant from the College campuses, even when enrolments do not compare with those on campus. Most of the poovlation of the College region can now reach one of the campuses within 35 minutes by private car. Our goal is to provide instruction tc approximately 95% of the region's population within 30 minutes by pubiic transport. Because of the absence of public transport- ation in many :reas, the College has a policy of holding classes away from existing Ccllege campuses. TIMETABLING 20-30% of our »fferings in any semester must be offered after 6.00 p.m. r Certaiz cours. such as accounting will continue to be offered more often in the «vening than in the day and certain others such as day- care, which .. an occupationa! entrance program, will have no evening component but on occup2tienal upgrading program will be provided for the community at eht. SHAR LG OF EQUIPMENT To make the t_possik.ie_use <£ expensive equipment, Douglas College has a policy of © zing virtually every bit of equipment. All andio-vi L and oer mecsanical equipment with certain exceptions belors to th olLlege «° a whole and not to any individual, Division, or GF! ice wi "1 the C-ilege. Microscopes purchased for use in a laboratory may |... remo “rom th jab under conditions which promise their safe return for times w! “ney ar: not in use in the lab. Equipment which is not generally a thle is office equipment such as desks, dictating machines and typewrit de