INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / JANUARY 30, 1990 Employers consider child care for employees A COMPANY GETTING INVOLVED in its employees’ child-care needs makes good business sense, re- search shows. But many Canadian business people don’t have the in- formation they need to get in- volved. Now all that is changing. On Tuesday, January 23, person- nel managers from various British Columbia businesses attended a one-day seminar to receive up-to- date information about employer- supported child care. Held at Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre Cam- pus in Vancouver, the seminar was part of the second phase of a nation- al project currently being co-re- searched by eight members of Douglas College and the University of British Columbia Child Study Centre. "To our knowledge, it’s the first time in Canada that a com- munity college has worked together with a university in direct applied research," says Douglas Col- lege faculty member and project re- searcher Carol Ebner. The seminar was attended by 45 members of the Industrial Rela- tions Management Association of British Columbia, a group com- prised largely of human resour- ces/ personnel managers. Participants viewed a video prepared by the U.B.C.-Douglas Employer-supported child care initiatives can assist employers both in attracting and retaining needed employees. College research team, which presented an overview of needs, op- tions and benefits of employer-sup- ported child-care initiatives in this province. The seminar aimed to examine knowledge and attitudes about employer-supported child care and show participants the many ways their companies can get involved in this key issue. As well as viewing the video, seminar participants were ad- dressed by guest speaker Dr. Sandra Burud, of California. Printshop review: your comments please Whether you have complaints or com- pliments we would like to hear anything you have to say about printing and duplicating (and related services) at Douglas College. The Print Shop Unit Review Commit- tee (Terry Leonard, Brad Barber, Howard Eaton, and Brenda Jack) has now entered the data collection phase of its review. Some heavy users of duplicating and printing services are ian contacted to learn about their views and experiences. In addition, a random sample of all employees will receive a questionnaire. If you have some comments you would like to bring to the attention of the Committee, but do not get an opportunity to do so through the above mechanisms, please feel free to give any of the Committee members a call or to write them a note. Bob Cowin is serving as secretary to the Commit- tee; comments can also be sent through him to the Committee. @ Burud, the president of a consult- ing firm, has done extensive re- search on the topic of employer-supported child care. A panel of provincial experts on the topic rounded off the day’s presentations. The panel included Dr. Margie Mayfield (researcher on employer-supported child care, University of Victoria), Jennifer Par- sons (benefits administrator, South- land Inc.) and Gayle Davies (manager for child care, Ministry of Health). The results of the day’s re- search will be released to business and academic communities across Canada in June. Prior to the seminar, Ebner said, "Most personnel managers are beginning to develop a general awareness of employer-supported child care." Ebner pointed out that research conducted in the United States shows that employer-supported child care initiatives can assist employers both in attracting and retaining needed employees. The issue of child care is far reaching. It affects single mothers who work outside the home, single fathers, couples and businesses. "It’s everyone’s concern," Ebner says. The U.B.C.-Douglas College Co- Research Project, which began in September, 1988, is funded by the Child Care Initiatives Fund, Health and Welfare Canada. Team members include: Dr. Glen Dixon, co-investigator (U.B.C. Child Study Centres, Faculty of Education); Dr. John McKendry, co- investigator (Dean of Applied Programs, Douglas College); Carol Ebner, project researcher (faculty, Douglas College); Dr. Stephen Bath, U.B.C.-Douglas College re- search liaison project manager; and project research assistants: Ingrid Edelmann, Alice Harder, Mariam Larson. @