iG Peyote aie eal “couGLAS ; COLLEGE Piss oe ra ; Bate ey ‘ ; Fa | aia hs oF ARCHIVES ce vg ot ¢ ‘Que Transfer of 3 any. ese: ee! revenue over exponditure ‘to accounts ot i ~~ =e x fr u specified jin item 6 will take place once th ae: contract ae all Ps u vas nl ae i! accounting procedures | have nen “completed. ae Bh ae . as ae ‘ em, “aes Direct and indirect costs wT) raat ine’ i Be EI dm Ae: “Sua . fi : fa) instruction and directly attributable contractual ‘ ; r Te *. ‘re i ° “obligations, such as fringe benefits. and professions) % . Ly, hles ( aie it development costs, where epics ie; he she i 7 : ‘ Wt x ; i J ECT ‘operational costs such as supplie es, natertals, travel, Me he y ; ah te xt bo 00ks, lease costs, maintenance, « ete. aa i) eh atm “a4 | me TY ie rs college services costs such as. printing, postage, space I Pent ne a et) wk sae ; ' “yenta,, including cleanin ng. brary, audio visual services, | ae . e: a % Si “student services and adrinistration. hy a As = By iy ee 2, ar a ee i idle acre tia ‘support a contract mist be She oe vk s i a ' Neabyter ts * consulted! during the preparation of the contract. “They wilt be - ae a vets ad , Y re i “reimbursed | for services provided. wh a a | 19 pd hh ; aa: 12. AIL contracts: must _ be approved and. signed by ‘the Bursar. och ari thi Ee he £ + te ch contract will berlalind Geant Committee, ory * pF. ; me ly 13. Where. Colege credit is offered, the terms of ‘the Contective Th ¥ = 7 r rr - | af ‘Agreements wit) app ly. Where contracts are credit free, the a a ah a | ane ie _Communtty Programs and. Services Divisional procedures will apply. ; et: Pi ‘ i rm BS rl Student r records are the responsibility of the Registrar's office. = A bY ae eo. i5) “When a departnent is unable to fulfil a request for ‘contract services, is - = we, i “the request shall be referred via vf appropriate Dean to the Dean vit A es a eae ' ea bt galngaeys cohen eee a pee henna OW | hr oie ice te | mA) psa . cosine Sie a I) Omg a ae ah oe a a eae es Contracts developed prior to ‘the adoption of the ‘above poliny and ane “Er | ei i a” ‘se Pee "regulations will be ee ae terms and ‘conditions under which Sue ead aay = aL they were negotiated, PE ae ream eras es le iy elie aan “Ad Ae Lapa ee cee os ’ ; di nah Yar ‘ioe | er