rik — | DOUGLAS COLL MAD HATTER PAGE 24 os EGE ARCHIVES Concert Band The Douglas College Concert Band will join with the Vancouver Community College Wind Ensemble for an evening of band music on Thursday, March 3] at 2000 hours. The con- cert will be held in the new College the- atre and will present a number of "firsts" ....the first time Vancouver Community Col- lege and Douglas have joined together for a band concert, and the first band concert in the theatre. The two conductors, Blair Fisher of Douglas College and David Branter of Vancouver Com- munity College, have chosen a variety of music including works by Bach, Rossini, Mal- colm Arnold and Gustan Holst. There is no admission charge, so plan to be there! FISCAL YEAR-END In preparation for year-end we ask your co- operation in the following: A. INVOICES: Please return all approved invoices to the Purchasing Department as promptly as possible. Should there be any queries or inaccuracies on in- voices, please call so that we are able to complete changes that will affect year-end figures. REQUEST FOR HONORARIA, ETC.: Please have all requests for payments for ser- vices to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Account- ing Department by March 25, 1983. EXPENSE REPORTS: Please have all re- ports for expenses incurred prior to and including March 18, 1983, submitted for approval by March 25, 1983. We also ask that Deans, Directors, Chairmen and Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Department for processing by MARCH 25, 1983. LATE SUBMISSIONS FOR ANY OF THE AFORMEN- TIONED WILL BE CHARGED AGAINST THE 1983/84 BUDGET. | Telephone List Update Please update the February 15 telephone list with the following changes: NAME LOCAL BEST, Pascale 4810 BIGGS, Ed 3432 BROATCH, Connie 422] BURROWS, Mae 422] CAMPBELL, Heather 3150 CHUDNOVSKY, Rita 2786 CLARKE, Bruce 5468 DAVIS, Georgina 2604 EASTON, Jean 4746 FENTON, Anne 2790 HARBY, Amanda 3100 HEGGIE, Kathleen 3434 *JAEGGLE, Maureen 4226 JOYCE, Brenda 4226 McDONALD, Jean 5461 520-5461. MORRIS, Beth 2764 OLEKSUIK, Ann 2662 PATTERSON, Geri 2848 POPOWITZ, Rosemary 3150 ROPER, Julie 2848 SKINNER, Sue 4822 TAKAHASHI, Julie 2661 TAYLOR, Paul 3740 WALMSLEY, Chris 3401 WILEY, John 5804 FIRST AID 3740/2115/5405/4832 STUDENT COUNCIL 522-6038 OTHER PRESS 525-3542 *JACK, Brenda 2606 INTER CAMPUS ENVELOPES There seems to be a shortage of inter cam- pus envelopes. If you have an excess of them in your office, please would you leave them with the outgoing mail. Thank you, Pat Thomasson