’ MW VYUBIAS BULLE RG WEWo LE LLEL published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by & Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 Notice Board THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1978 Short Course On The Administration of Post-Secondary Institutions Coordinator: Dr. JHA Wallin, Professor Centre for the Study of Administration in Education This non-credit short course is offered each spring by UBC's Centre for the Study of Administration in Education in conjunction with the credit course, Education 559 The Administration of Post-Secondary Institutions. To facilitate participation of persons from areas outside of the Lower Main- land area, the Short Course is in two concentrated segments, separated by a 5-week interval. SEGMENT ONE. 1200-2200 hours Thursday, March 2 and 0900-1600 hours Friday, March 3. Current Issues and Developments in BC Using a conference approaci the topics will include the following: B.C.'s new Colleges Act; meshing facilities and programmes with employwe rt and economic realities; implications of changes on student enrolment forecasts for faculty personnel policies; pro- gramme and institutional effectiveness - whose criteria? What's happening on the accreditation front in B.C.? to 3rd and 4th year programmes for the Interior and the Nort!:? Resource persons include: Prof Brahm Wiesman, Dr. John Dennison, Dr. William Tetlow, Dr. Bruce Fraser, Mr. Andrew Soles, and Dr. Jack Blaney. j 0900-1600 hours Friday, DOUGLAS COLLEGE LABRARY, PIE ; Mandbeti¢ht Skills in Post-Secondary Administration A workshop approach will be used that consists of both theoretical and practice sessions. Skills to be focussed on: time management; interpersonal (verbal) communications; and group problem-— solving. The materials (case studies and exercises) will be drawn from B.C. post-secondary settings. PLACE: Vancouver Airport Hyatt House COST: $100.00 APPLICATION FORM AVAILABLE FROM DEAN OF INSTRUCTION ATTENTION: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SEALED OFFERS ACCEPTED ON FOLLOWING: ] only 1971 Datsun Pick Up Truck Serial No. PL521522504 Approx. Mileage - 72,000 Miles WHERE IS- AS IS CONDITION To view: Contact Mr. Pat Keenan Surrey Campus Carpenter Shop Hours 8:30am - 3:00pm Note: Vehicle CANNOT be driven off of Douglas College Parking Lot If you are interested in bidding on this unit, submit your SEALED OFFER, in writing, to M.M. Endacett, Purchasing Dept., New Westminster Campus. The bids will be time stamped as they are received and will be opened at 10:00am Friday, February 17, 1978. The vehicle will be sold to the highest bidder and/or earliest time stamp in case of duplicate bids. NOTE: OFFERS OF UNDER $100.00 UNACCEPTABLE. *Provincial Tax on 7% is applicable to this purchase. I.