DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES CAR STUDY _ Hertz runs compact — tor $2,400 WASHINGTON (TPS) — It costs about 24 cents a mile to own and operate a mid-size ‘ ‘ _car. 19 cents for a sub- 7 ; compact, and about 29 cents "Do you know that we only use for a standard model. __ ane-third of our brain?” These are averages re- oa ee PCy ported by the leasing division of the Hertz Corp. in a study for its fleet customers. The cents-per-mile averages assume the owner drives his car 10,000 miles a year, and keeps it three years. They in- clude interest on the loan he took out to buy the car, as well as his other operating costs. ; ; , ‘The power-mile averages work out to $2,406 a year for the owner of a mid-size car driven 10,000 miles. The totals . .would be $1,900 for a sub- * compact and $2,900 for a Standard car. Hertz said per-mile costs drop as cars are driven more than 10,000 miles a year; fixed costs such as interest and insurance are spread over more miles. The costs are going up. Ris- ing fuel prices are one reason and rising auto prices anoth- er. i “IN ACO er er Sept 4, 1474 v3 Vhi | Wa KYEN NOTICE : “I wonder what happens to the other third?”... Re: p. 54 - Faculty - Douglas College Calendar, 1974-75. Add "M.Sc (Alberta) to the line: "Willem den Hertog, B.Sc (Alberta)." Bill den Hertog obtained his M.Sc. degree in theoretical chemistry last fall at the University of Alberta, Fdmonton. Title of the master's thesis: "Excited State Wave Functions {2 by Configuration Interaction".