Donovan With An “You kno imes I sit : : ona Know, an wath TY. 22%,0%,, Alternative Twist? home, you know, and I watch T.V. and I wonder whatit would beliketo Brg May. live someplace like the Cosby show, “Op, %, per, Gacy & de Ozzieand Harriet, you know, where 2B egy Cele Rh fe pe, ea thecopscomeand got your catoutof op or “8% the tree and all your friends died of ; old age. But you see I live in South Central [L.A.] and oe me SHIT AIN’TLIKETHAT! IT’S ICKED UP !” Body Count featuring Ice T Time Warner Records reviewed by Angus Adair Thesearesomeofthe first words on Ice T and pt Count’s album Cop Killer. They offer a reality check for NorthAmerica. Iboughtmycopy of Body Count’s, Cop Killer, re Itis tragically ironicthatthe party that was in power when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, effectively freeing slaves, is now attacking Blacks who It is ignorant to suggest Ice T’s record is to be blamed for cop’s getting killed , or injured , in the war in the streets . Any one prepared to kill someone , for any reason should be prepared for the same ethic to be those who would kill the messe: oc. out 7 ist racist brutality by ; perro their attack on Tine e forces of law enforcement. Siok cr vali cane one, larner. Their censorship campai shined cae si am. as was strongly met by Tine Waal, Cop Killer is an angry album . ers so Cos aS wae who realising that because their There can be no denying that. One ©V@"- THEE. 1 OM, SP and business is about freedom of must examine the source of that Andsothecycleof violence goes. geo Ss of cor yet jo anger. Men in white hoods or blue COPS getting even and kids getting axe es an oan? ses go* expression they would lose more Uniforms who hide behind their a oe — oF oe — ca ase wre’ we cs cry antaniag prea Sxtinatcoalpeeaogpape hepamerintceTgwngand — GoW at saa than by opposing censorship. and terrorise people, and who then aan. eartine S nia eon WK ot are 5 wd i89 <8 Ice T’salbum is nolittle thing. It Use their fear to justify their actions Who MaKe ImNPOMneT ANS Uae eye SX, wont Or Gye wm is provocative, but it is provocative are cowards. Those who have taken O Thin rok aang a "i a go? ph Pe ees oe We gt because it speaks the truth about es at eee pihier tre the leaders e Wet Aisi liste wee 3% pe Poel ey. : beanies continue to f ; . : © suatons tht power role Sei ce teiones wpepeliela Ru Enny, SRO NCE covered up. President Bush has later one will become angry at eee eee een LSS er sO se Beh 3 openly attacked Ice T and his album. Ne’soppressor. Theonlysurprisein "0 S'S : wor DET s ee “o% Inan election when Ice Tis not L.A. should have been that it hadn‘t Cop Killer is not only agressive gov? SF pp ye running for political office and Bill happened earlier. Ice T has made a te that is ee by 3G 02" yn Clinton is whipping Bush's butt at Statement that did not involve aun ee Se bole aa Some sn? gote we the poll, itis interesting that whilehe burningabuildingorlootingastore. “\#'TURC* On ein’ out. As fo (gos rarely mentions Bill Clinton’s name That rage needed a vent and this et eet : * ininterviewshehastimetoattackIce album serves as a vent in at least the boycott organised by all those T some small way. cops- remember these words from : the album’s title track-"Fuck the Police! “. Dan ‘ 4, Re Bu S Slaughter has assured their fans that te, = er oe liters Blas 2 Ty 8, * tieg, is, Mit Raye 3 2 09 Work 28ain gealbys Eliag ™ Key Py cap a a Ong Oe th wesisttmteaty Mag! oth as) Sry a i dona Se or S da s fog Sts Tage ~ Na ; Nig On bea “Ray . ye ang fing ; A Ss, fe, ° z a sy 2 e So eee in Malo, 8 2 eo i % can? Peng tre, : ating pene ae Git a ae 7, Mey Me, Final Verdict: Do it right, play it LOUD! I'd definitely ne ey