page 6 December 6, 1985 [Vancouver Cup-]A UBC stu- dent leader plans to pinch Metro Transit with a penny protest over bus fares. Duncan Stewart, Alma Mater Society external affairs coordinator, called for stu- dents to pay the $1 fares with pennies beginning in Jan- uary. Stewart said a similar pro- test worked effictively in Tor- onto. ‘‘The subway machines blew up; the buses broke down, it was absolute chaos,’’ he said. ‘‘The students got a concession fare within 12 hours.’’ The Greater Vancouver re- gional district transit com- mission voted to conduct a review of fares to examine the feasibility of reductions for a number of groups including post-secondary students, the handicapped and Unemploy- ment Insurance recipients. Stewart said the commis- sion’s decision was the easy way out. ‘’The transit com- mission has members who do not want students to have concession farecards, and they’re using everything they can to fight it. | suppose you could call this a compromise, | but it’s not even that.’’ The commission spokes- person said introducing a stu- dent farecard would cost Metro Transit $600,000 to $700,000 per academic year in lost revenues. Terry Hunt, Canadian Federation of Students Pacific Region chair, could not com- The Other Press Now here's a good idea ment on the commission de- cision but said granting re- duced student fares could increase the number of bus riders and increase revenues. A transit commission official said the review will be completed by about May. Peeper problems Burnaby, B.C. [CUP] - Simon Fraser University security can‘t seem to nab a man who has been peering through the windows of campus resid- ences since September. “Twice we have gotten within twenty feet of him,’’ said Tom Bennett, SFU’s di- rector of security. ‘‘But he’s elusive and seems to know the area well.’’ The incidences seem to be on the increase. Campus sec- urity received complaints on four occasions. As a result they stepped up surveillance around all the residences. ““We’re going to catch this guy one way or the other, if | have to come at 3 o'clock in the morning,’’ said Bennett: “We've developed a very efficient hit on the area.’’ Witnesses agree response has been ‘‘pretty damn snap- Sofie Bartek, a resident assistant at one resident said “‘He’s got a lot of gall.’’ Residence students watch- ing soap operas said they were concerned but were tak- ing the situation in stride. The O.P. incorrectly stated in the Contact Lense Tech- ; nicians Add in our Oct. 14 issue that they give Eye : Examinations. This should have read ‘‘arranges’’ eye : examinations. We apologize for any inconvenience. 10% Off for D.C. Student Cardholders. CLA CONTACT LENS TECHNICIANS 701-625 FIFTH AVENUE NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. 526-4631 r Under new Ownership! Goes to College! Bring your Student Card along and enter our draw for FREE SPRING TUITIO ss Onented Prices! NIT Teachers welcome, too! ° (Come 1n and ask for details) Ceasar Salad Steaks Homemade Fresh Pasta French Onion Soup Burgers 4 :also 60 more dishes! Coming Soon : Draught Beer on Tap ! Mon-Wed 11:30-10 Thurs 11:30-11 Fri-Sat 11:30-12 Sun 10-10 featuring Sunday Brunch 10-2 Mellow’ s Restaurant 226-6th St in New West Christmas Parties Gatherings, etc. ask our catering manager for details 525-8533