a ste eta ace tee a ab heel el ey page five Crass babbling Dear Editor: In response to _ Ian Hunter’s crass babbling in the Other Speak, March 12, I say this: who the hell is Ian Hunter and where does he get off assuming his attitude is widely held by the student body? I don’t know why he wrote that “stupid piece of prose’’ either, and frankly I wish he hadn't. Ironically, that particlular issue of The Other Press ran a full page ad extolling the joys of journalism and en- couraging the students to pick up pen and join the staff. I quote: ‘‘The Other Press doesn’t believe in lazy reporting or unthinking journalism. We believe ina thinking, breathing, dyna- mic student press. The student staff works to pro- vide students at Douglas College with The best pos- sible newspaper. We think we do a pretty good job. We know we can do bet- ters If Mr. Hunter is your idea of a thinking, breathing, dynamic student, then yes, you can do better! by Kate Squibb. Fell into trap Dear Kate: You fell right into my trap. My satirical piece on the proliferation of narcis- _ Sism in our society was an attempt to illicit some res- ponse to my posed point of view. The fact that you took my © “crass babbling’’ on face value tells something of the subtleness of my humor. Perhaps too subtle. I know that much, tf not most, of our student body ts alive and caring, but I also know that we have to be on constant guard against the cancer of apathy spreading into our society before we all become hopeless drones placed before the tube. Mr. Nude ok! Dear tantor: In response to Ron Loveless’ letter, Volume 10, No. 5 of February 19, 1981. How can any one be such a male chauvinist! Why is the exploitation of the male body any worse or different (depending on your point of view) than the exploitation of the female body? Showing off the male bodly is exactly the same as showing off the female body (excepting some _ physical differences). Therefore the Mr. Nude contest can’t be called quote, ‘‘a disgusting form of sexism...men are shown off like meat in a butcher shop window.”’ Haven’t you heard the ‘saying, ‘“‘what’s good for the ‘goose is good for the gander,’’ or vice versa? We females are just pro- ving a point. If men want to hoot and howl at women, The Other Press then nothing is going to stop us from doing the same at men if we want to! K. Wright Dear Editor: Having just attended this years annual General Meet- ing of the Douglas College Student Society, I couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the students were greatly upset about the prospect of decreased access to post-secondary education for people from lower socio-economic back- grounds. Well I say, ‘so what,’ if their fathers can’t get off their lazy blue collar’ butts then they, the child- ren, don’t deserve a god- damn education! The point is, while we’re up here in God’s country worrying about someone taking away our goddamn right to an education, there are people living elsewhere in the world who are worry- ing about some bastard, be he a commie or a power hungry private in some fas- cist general’s army, taking away their right to live. Your backyard is never go- ing to be perfectly clean, but your neighbour’s septic tank just blew up brother, and there ain’t no fence that you can build that’s gonna be big enough to keep the smell out! Yours sincerely, a member in good standing of The Thursday Night Dis- cussion Club. afi Numero uno. in Mexico and in Canada. REG S$ A 42378 AUTENTICAS TEQUILA ELABORADO ¥ ENVASADO POR TEQUILA BAUZA. S A HECHO EN MEXICO ww MARCA REGISTRADA REG FED. CAUSANTES TSA. 671208 ARBUARPIENTE DE AGAVE AUTENTICAS THE BOTTLED ROMANCE OF MEXICO Other Corner | March 19, 1981 Are you going to the AGM? Lise Bouchard: No Pat Leehndorf: No, I’ve got a class. Micheal Riesling: I’ve seen the posters around but I still don’t know what it is. Sujata Joban: I don’t know much about it but i’m going to go to see What it is all about. this newpaper. requiréments. © ill be ed This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of All letters and opinions must be types at a 60-stroke — line, double-spaced and must bear the name of the author for reasons of validity. Submissions which are not signed will not be published. Letters should be no mo than 200 words in length and dpinion pieces should b either 450 or 900 words in length due to space and layo _ -Wereserve the right to edit all letters and opi clarity and libel. Letters and - spec’ ited to siz issions yinions lon