SW RET WT Page 6 ‘p¢ Other Press November 10th to 25th 1982 HALIFAX (CUP) - Nova Sco- tia student unions have charged that the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) provides poor service and is guilty of arrogance and nepo- tism. The St. Mary’s University Council is threatening to pull out of @:F-:S. if it does not make major changes at its Nov.8 to 13 national confer- ence. Peter Rans, president of the Dalhousie University Students’ Union, said he supported a national student organization before but now he has doubts. He said C.F.S. national staff treat the Student Union of Nova Scotia (SUNS) and individual stu- dent councils condescend- ingly. “C.F.S. has a_ national mentality that runs counter to provincial interests,’’ said Rans. SUNS members were up- set at the way C.F.S. hired a \new Atlantic field-worker, C.F.S. chair Brenda Cote ruled the interviews invalid because provincial student organizations are not allowed to participate in staff hiring. Rans said the candidate hired, Steve Alexander, is competent enough but other candidates were equally cap- able. ‘‘The way the staff hiring was done reflects poorly on C.F.S.”’ SUNS executive officer Pe- ter Kavanugh charged that C.F.S. practises nepotism. “C.F.S. is truning into a retirment home for ex-stu- dent politicians.”’ But Soucie said C.F.S. hires people with prior in- volvement in student unions and organizations because they are the best qualified. SUNS chair Eric Walker dislikes the requirement that students must eventually choose to belong to both C.F.S. and SUNS or neither. He said this allows C.F.S. to control SUNS membership, undermining SUNS’ legiti- macy. He said C.F.S’attitude and policies towards SUNS re- flects ‘‘Upper Canada imper- ialism,’’ Mike Crystal, former Nova Scotia representative for C.F.S.-Services (CFS-S), said the services body is ““myopic’’. He said its travel agency, Canadian University ravel Service, only has one office to serve the Atlantic. He added that the C.F.S.-S speakers’ bureau and nation- al theatre troupe are hardly national because speakers and the troupe are reluctant to travel outside Ontario. Charlie MacArthur, vice- president of student affairs for St. Mary’s University, said SMU will pull out if changes are not made at the national conference in Vic- toria. SMU became the first C.F.S. full member in the spring of 1981. MacArthur said the SMU council asked C.F.S.-S for its 1981-82 financial statement Nova Scotia Students Unions Knock CFS Christine Soucie, the Nova Scotia representative on the C.F.S. Central Committee, asked some SUNS members to help interview candidates. ago, and has received no answer. Crystal is also critical of C.F.S.-S’s failure to produce -a financial report. “There better be some but it is unrealistic to expect immediate changes at the Victoria conference. The na- tional organization is still young and needs time to grow, she said. answers in Victoria,’ he said. Soucie said SUNS has some legitimate complaints, 2 re fics th AO : Other Press Staff ~ \Meeting / 4:pm Monday in Other Press news room (old campus) Everyone is welcome to come and join in on these weekly meetings. Come and see how your student newspaper gets things done and perhaps, you might want to get things done with us. ‘and a 1982-83 budget months 7 oO ») CxO s Champion, Le Potters Snooker Lounge 35-6th Street New Westminster Sheila King | Manageress Newest and most unique billiards facility in the Fraser Valley. TOURNAMENTS; Every Thursday night compete with the best in New West or just watch the action. INSTRUCTION; open to you by : appointment from B:C:'sLadies Snooker - 521-1129 O ©) PRADPROPPDVADPRDPR VRRP Pe Friday, November 19/82 7:30-1:00 a.m. : Royal Towers Hotel, New West.Crystal MID—SEMESTER BREAK BERBER ORR ROR RRR FEATURING i Z FRENCH) Sheila King. O- = UPI EL EEE: CUS GUE UN HN SSG Guieigueeea sees « $b 6 OS MOLER SERS Cees Ce CEMEEELE REO RECCELE LEME E a ee ee A PASTA RT a ee ae ee ee