Welcome to the Inside Zone
once again. This is what we’ve pick-
ed up over the past couple of
weeks, but we know there’s more

out there, so let us know at 527-5325.

Her place in the sun...

Graphic Designer Marilyn
Attwood returned to the Public In-
formation Office after a two month
summer leave of absence. After 14
years at Douglas, she found it ex-
tremely difficult to stay at home and
lie in the sun with nothing to do but
read and sleep. But that feeling of
anxiety wore off after a couple of
weeks, and she got into some
serious relaxing. She also spent a lot
of time with her 14-year-old son


Who’s the guy down in IMS with
the US Marine haircut? It’s Manager
Rob Linschoten, without the
trademark ponytail. He’s had one
since at least the second time
ponytails became trendy, but he
decided to cut it off. Maybe he’s
one step ahead of the next trend.

Prophylactic medicine...

The Student Society got smart
this year. They decided to tape
condoms to the safe sex handouts,
rather than stapling them.

INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / September 17, 1997


Athens or bust...

Liz Wilson bought a ticket in a
raffle, and won a free ticket
anywhere Air Canada flies. She says
Greece sounds good, so sometime
this fall she’ll be hanging out at the
Acropolis sipping ouzo and nibbling
pita bread. By the way, Liz is now
the permanent Women’s Centre


Jean Easton tells us she’s gone
cruising in the Carribean. She’s also
stopping off at Disney World. We’re
hoping she brings back Mouse-
keteer hats for all of us.

Fossils fuel student optimism. . .

DC Foundation Executive Presi-
dent Mark Crozet has picked a
name for his fourth-floor intramural
futsal (indoor soccer) team that
could cut students to the bone. The
squad of mostly over - 30s types,
which includes Bill Bell, Trish
Angus, Peter Sanderson, Brad
Barber and Bob Cowin, will be
dubbed the Fourth Floor Fossils.
“We don’t intend to lose, but any
student team which loses to the
Fossils will probably be ashamed of
themselves,” says coach Crozet.
“We might try for a perfect winless

A chip off the old block...

Computer Information Systems
Instructor Barbara Allen is expect-
ing a child sometime in February.
The Business Department is having
a lottery to guess the date, so some-
one will win a little bundle of cash
off Barbara’s little bundle of joy.

After two years in the position,

Wendy Watt is now the permanent
Departmental Assistant in Student

Congratulations also go out to
Devona Davies, hired for the new
position of Purchasing Supervisor.

Sailing, sailing...

English Instructor Bill Main has
bought a boat, and of course he
named it “Over The Bounding

Fancy meeting you here...

Developmental Education instruc-
tor Hilary Cheung, winner of an
Asia Pacific Scholarship, went to
Hong Kong last May and is doing
very well. How do we know?
Marian Justus (formerly Hill),
Cooperative Education Coor-
dinator, recently returned from the
World Conference on Cooperative
Education in Hong Kong. They got
together in Kowloon.

And finaily...

Why were Venetian blinds
invented? Because without them, it
would be curtains for all of us.