Man’s best machine bests man By Cody Klyne, Arts Editor ith his souped-up positronic brain—often in the case of our Lt. Commander, W resulting in make-your-head-hurt with his level-headed, calculated, intelligence—combined with badass and precise approach, raving like Klingon-dwarfing robot muscles, Data is the a madman during a crisis just isn’t embodiment of two of present-day man’s key pursuits: a consideration (unless he chooses strength and power. Even still, in the year 23XX, to create a “panic” subroutine to these merits alone aren’t enough to secure the good better experience what it’s like to Lieutenant’s position as a Starfleet Captain’s wet dream. be human...which has probably Thankfully for the crew of fhe Enterprise, particularly happened...he likes to learn.) for Picard on numerous occasions, and the human race Knockout gas? No problem! in general, Data’s the total package. It’s been said that “in space, no one can hear you scream,” luckily, Incapacitating hypersonic pulse? Easy! The cold dark vacuum of Data vs. Picard Set phasers to fun iven the recent birthday of the Gann token Betazoid, the listless Counsellor Deanna Troi (portrayed by Marina Sirtis age 56), two nerds looking to settle an argument, stemmed from having both recently re- watched the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) series, take up arms here within the pages of The Other Press to champion two of the series’ best. Inhibited only by their inability to legally settle the dispute in the traditional Klingon fashion (a fight to the death,) we know who’s the worst *cough *Troi *cough* so we’re here now to answer the question...who’s the best? Android vs. Man; Lieutenant Commander vs. Captain; this is: Data vs. Picard. disease and biological infection, Data has saved the day, the ship (including the lives of its thousand plus crewmembers) more times than Riker has successfully bed the opposite sex of an alien species space? Sure, why not! Immune to (zing!) Whether locked in a marathon game of Strategema against a bloated third level grand master or lovingly tending to his (bastard of a) cat Spot, Data has explored the breadth of experiences readily up for grabs to your average human from birth and come out ahead of the curve time and time again. Data isn’t human; he’s too good to be human. What he is is a raw representation of humanities efforts to improve and grow in a scary, big, and vastly diverse universe. He’s a kooky mixture of our greatest qualities and accomplishments as a species cut with a sprinkling of our continued failures (the same failures that make us human). He’s a muscle logic sandwich wrapped up in a shiny metallic package and the best damn Lt. Commander in this generation or the next. O Captain! My Captain! By Simon Staszkiewicz future Picard collaborate to form an anti-time shell around the anomaly, destroying all three Picards, but saving all three at Ts bald headed intergalactic saint and Captain of the the same time. flagship of the United Federation of Planets: Jean-luc There was, however, one unfortunate instance where the Picard. Is there a more noble, righteous and badass captain was assimilated and used as a weapon by the Borg... man? Certainly not in the world of Star Trek: The Next but let’s not talk about that. Why choose Captain Picard? The Generation. answer should be pretty clear by now; he’s the best there is, The Captain keeps a cool head at all times, partly due to dammit, the best! male pattern baldness, but mostly due to his years serving in Starfleet. A brash young Jean-Luc Picard often found himself in trouble as a cadet. Much like you or I, the would-be Captain frequently found himself dating multiple women at the same time and helping his friends cheat at space-pool. It wasn’t until he was stabbed in the heart in a bar brawl by a Nausicaan— wait, what’s a Nausicaan? Think Hulk Hogan meets Predator. Anyway, it wasn’t until he was stabbed in the heart that our Captain changed his mischievous ways. The Captain’s reaction to being stabbed in the heart? He simply /aughed. Fit with a new fake ticker, he was soon shipped off on his first service as an ensign. Fast forward to star date 41153. Jean-Luc had previously served as first officer on and eventually took command of the USS Stargazer, during which he invented his own tactic later called the Picard Maneuver. With the heart of an explorer, the soul of a poet, and the Federation’s finest crew, the Captain was ready to command the flag ship of the Federation. What’s his first mission? Our Captain gets to save the entire human race in the very first episode by using his mastery of diplomacy to convince the omnipotent Q continuum not to destroy humanity. Captain — 1, Q — 0. The very last episode finds the Captain yet again saving the entire human race from a spacial anomaly that traveled back in time to threaten . our primordial hides. How does he do it? Past, present, and