DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAD HATTER 5 EPPCO Highlights The following items were deliberated at the March 12 meeting: (1) Diploma of Associate in Science - A subcommittee has been formed to study the matter further and report back to the next regular EPPCO meeting. The sub- committee is being chaired by Doug Talling. (2) Mission, Goals & Objectives, Ministry of Education - A joint meeting of EPPCO and Management Committee will be held on March 26 to consider this document and make recommendations to the Douglas College Board. (3) $110 Million Fund, "Excellence in Education" - This document is available through the Deans and Unions. The fund is meant to finance two types of spending: (a) adujstments to operating budgets. (b) special initiatives to improve the quality of teaching, to respond to economic development opportunities, to modernize equipment and to encourage efficiency. Bill Day will present a letter of intent to EPPCO for review and commentary at the next regular EPPCO meeting. (4) Review of Current Policies: E02.01.01 - Returned to Registrar for clarification of policy intent and procedure implementation. E02.01.02 through E02.01.06 - Returned to Registrar for updating to current admissions requirements. Proposed revisions to E02.01.07, E02.01.08 and E02.01.09 are being returned to originators for further processing. (5) Policies for review at the next meeting: E02.01.01 through E02.01.09 have been rescheduled for the next agenda. (6) Chairman of Next Meeting - Bruce Clarke will serve as Chairman of the next regular meeting scheduled for April 9, 1986. Request for Support - U.B.C. Library Collection U.B.C. Library collections are being threatened quite seriously through the effects of inflation and devaluation of the dollar. We know you are in the same boat. We will be submitting propo- sals for special funding from the provincial government. We welcome letters of support from your researchers who might be willing to comment on: - the unique nature of the U.B.C. Library's resources: - the extent to which they depend on the U.B.C. Library for collections. If you feel so inclined, please ask your researchers if they might wish to write a let ter of support. The letters could include, but need not be limited to: - reference to specific materials or collections; - relationship to the person's research; - lack of similar materials elsewhere in this area of B.C. There is some urgency to preparing our brief. Please ask your researchers to address the letters to: Doug McInnes Unniversity Librarian, University of British Qolumbia Library 1956 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Y3. M. Friesen Inter-Library Loan Librarian U.B.C. SS Se a eee