e Notice Board NOTICE TO BCGEU LOCAL 62 MEMBERS ALL LOCAL 62 STAFF SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED COPIES OF THE 2 LETTERS OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING INCREMENTS FOR AUXILLIARY EMPLOYEES, AND THE HIRING OF EMERGENCY AUXILLIARIES, — IN THEIR LAST PAYCHECK ENVELOPES. THESE LETTERS OF ‘UNDERSTANDING SHOULD BE ADDED TO. YOUR COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS. ANYONE WHO NEEDS A COPY OF THESE OR HAS ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THEM SHOULD CONTACT MIKE RUSKIN, LOCAL 54, RICHMOND CAMPUS. LOCAL 62 ° BCGEU GENERAL MEETING DATE: MAY 30/78 MME: 3:30 pm @: CE: SURREY 4 room complex AGENDA INCLUDES: 1) JJEC PROGRESS REPORT . 2) EMPLOYEE ASISTANCE PROGRAM AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE 3) REORGANIZATION PROGRESS REPORT 4) STUDENT HIRING AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE IN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL 0 & FOR RENT 5 bdrm. house, stove & fridge included. 3 blocks frorf N.W. Campus. Available Julyl. call 521-0120. fos, ARI Statt FROM: RE: North American Life Insurance Personne] Weighted down as we all are by many concerns of daily existence | hesitate to add one additional problem but.... To be enrolled in the Long Term Disa- Death Benefit and Accidental Death you must fill out an bility plan plus enrollment form which was mailed to you some time ago - or you May have additional problems. (a) In summary if you have not filled out a North American Life Ins. enrollment card do so now and forward it to the Personnel Dept. (b) I# you have not received an enroll-~ ment card please contact the Personne! Department and we wil! send you another one. Beneficially yours, John Beardsley RY 5 COLVRGELIR ERY cunques POUGLAS COV NAG Staff members subject to the B.C.G.E.U. Collective Agreement are advised that to comply with Article 17.09 "Vacation Pay" Request Forms (40B) are avaiblable on request from the Personnel Office and at each of the Campus PBX/Reception+ ist positions. John Beardsley Personnel Department