Rea pee neat aoe LIVAT 20 You TWINK OF STOKE WORMIWG CONDITIONS av DOL If you have any ideas about this your chance to air them is SOON!!! The NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE of the Staff Association will shortly be entering into the final stages of negotiation with the Finance Committee of the College Council in the area of WORKING CONDITIONS, and specifically in REVISIONS TO THE STAFF HANDBOOK. ¥ We Want Nour WPT, To facilitate this the executive of the staff association is holding a SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER-HOLD-YOUR-PEACE WORKSHOP Which is open to'al] Staff We will consider such areas as: -Salary increases, promotions and transfers ..-Educational leave .Leave with and without pay ... Grievance procedure .. Reclassification .Probationary period LeeHiring pol Tey ..Benefits and services not available to non-members THE MORE PEOPLE INVOLVED. ...THE MORE THE REVISIONS WILL REFLECT THE NEEDS OF ALL MEMBERS COME FOR ALL OR PART OF THE DAY TSG ik ar SATURDAY, JUNE 8th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm ots of space,lots of parking. Car pools 7?) fy y 4 NGVe WORK & PLEASURE AND A GOOD YEAR AHEAI)...BRING 7 YOUR OWN REFRESHMENTS FOR A BANG-UP IFINISH!!! if you are unable to attend, written submissions may be sent to SHIRLEY FROESE, COUNSELLING, NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS up to Friday, June /th. Yeut HELP IS NEEDED / 5 fod ig Sf « 7156 - 68th STREET, DELTA (68th ST. & RIVER RD.)