PP Ra Cepia: _suemuees { : } ' The Other Press Registration issue January 1983 Page7 A Disgusting Headline 1m s.« At the moment you may be stand ing in an endless line-up or staring with glazed eyes at small print. You may be lounging on a bench or gazing absently at a blue collar, or a red collasr and green sweater in front of you. You may be also wond- ering about the strange mole, shap- sons neck in front of you. In these deadening moments of idle surmise, people often have flashes of inspiration. They real- ize they really should have become an accountant instead of a marine bio- logist, they remember the name of besides those mentioned in our cen- er-spread. For instance, you can learn how to use the typesetter, a strange bizarre blue and gray mach- ine with weird, bleepy sound effects that types out our stories into long columns. Maybe you would like to try the headliner and make up dis- uses for their cutlery sets. It is well known that Douglas College line- ups have lead many students to drink. Instead of getting bombed, or be- coming a wandering sociologist, why not consider joining the Other _ the base player for the rock group, ed somewhat like Africa on the per- The Twoodles’ they think of new Press? Working for your school newspaper has a number of benifits OO SOS SO LOH S OO OOOO OL OO OL OO OOOO OOOO OSO9OS OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OO 0008000008 0OCCCOCOCO® @ THERE IS NO LAW IN CANADA THAT SAYS YOU $ MUST TALK TO THE POLICE: ® assistance (writs are docum e@ Virtual blanket access to an @ have these, they can only legal @ invite them in or allow them to ® @ IF THE POLICE ENTER WITH A WARRANT OR WRIT: $ Immediately call your lawyer and get him/her to talk | MORE INFORMATION: @ to the police over the phone. Try to get their ID numbers | | $ or names. Y. bliged to an i in Canada, both by ®@ Even if you are under arrest, you need only give your mame and address, and then say, politely but firmly, “I’m sorry, but I’d rather not say anything further until I consult my lawyer.’’ The ‘‘Vagrancy’’ law was repealed You don’t have to let them in unless they have a @ Properly filled-out and valid search warrant or writ of ‘For Questioning,’’ or “‘For suspicion,” or ‘‘For 24 (or e gusting headlines about members of our staff. Don’t forget, of course, the traditional typewriter which we still use now and then. produce a valid 48) hours.’’ If you are arrested and charged, you only $ have to give your name, address and fingerprints. Don’t @ fraternize with anybody in your cell - the police can use evidence obtained from planted agents and informers. Immediately demand to call your lawyer. the papers through a crack in the window. Police have no § right to make you get out Consult Criminal Procedure in Canada, orCivil Rights ® On production night we put the diverse pieces of the paper together @ Journalists dash in with their copy for ever pushing back our much vaunted and seldom enfored dead- lines. Copy-editors make vague at- tempts at correcting atrocious spell- ing,grammar and punctuation errors. A typesetter then turns copy into column form. Mad cutters then come and decide where to put your article in the paper. You may find your story continued on page three, siz and twelve (this is actually very uncommon), but as we do not run obituarys, your story will not be- come permanently buried. New innovative ideas are always welcome at our paper. As we are starved for staff, new members may be put in important positions im- mediately without working their driver’s license and registration. Pass @ of the car unless you are under @ ch the car unless they have a@ ble cause’’ that a crime has ®@ n bottle of booze on the front ¢ pause; a displeased look on your @ Michael Bolton (Self-Counsel ¢ accor I ie © IF THE P _$ up. All we ask is that you attend sw ARRAN" @ some meeting, write some stories, © Dost : $ work on some production nights, sobseasuoe Br as e refrain from becoming violent if you © you proteseaind a * don’t get your way, and, of course, ey u Proee oo som 7) * attend our many social events e =. NYWHERE WITH THE TE ” e where you will have to lift heavy 9 YOU BON tba no oes Se Wie : oe : . @ objects filled with magical, intoxic- $ POLICE UNLESS YOU ARE UNDER ARREST: | Criminal Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and bye astingtiaeia e If they invite (!) you to accompany them anywhere, ask | legal precedent. But they may do you no good if you ® eee 3 e; : , : : ° If nothing else, working on the e if you are under arrest. If they say yes, they must specify | don’t have witnesses right on the spot or a lawyer @ ee @ the charge there and then, There is no such charge as | readily available. e@ Other Press will enable you to have © 0000060 0000000 csc e eee e eee cee Se Se eC CCC CC OS SOS EE OOOO OO OCCOOOCCOSCEOOOLLOCOE® 2 first hand laugh at our interesting ONG! ee ICUs 27 Church Street New Westminster 525-3959 Dress code observed. Here's looking at you kid. spelling mistakes. Joind thle Ottern Pressa! ~ Columbia Billiards ) Arcade & Snack Bar Snooker & Hight Ball Tables Open 11A’M:-11P.M. 7 days a week Ladies Welcome!! If you think New West has no char- acter...your wrong. Try this place. Take it from Al... “Powest nates in town, e 7 best tables too” et. 410 Columbia St. across from King Ed Hotel