- 2 Chairing the National Forum Committee wil! be Dr. Brian Segal, President of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. He wil! be supported by two vice-chairpersons: Dr. Jean-Guy Paquet, Rector of Laval University, and Or. Sylvia Fedoruk, chance! lor of the University of Saskatchewan. The remaining persons on the steering committee include: Jill Bodkin (Chairman, British Columbia Securities Commission); Adrienne Clarkson (President and Publisher, McClelland and Stewart Publishers); John Evans (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Allelix Incorporated); Pau! Gallagher (President, Vancouver Community College); Claude Pichette — (President, Société d’entraide économique du Québec), the Honourable Robert L. Stanfield (Chairman, Institute for Research on Public Policy); Geneviaéve Tanguay (Student, Laval University) ; Ronald Watts (Professor, Political Science, Queen’s University). The complete list of members of the National Forum Committee, which we are releasing today, includes Canadians from all walks of life: students, teachers and administrators from the academic community, and representatives of business, labour, and other interested groups.