INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 24, 1990 ig wowsor VICE-PRESIDENT - ACADEMIC ° Mount Royal College. established in 1910 in Calgary, Alberta, is one of Canada’s most progressive and Coming Soon comprehensive community colleges. Mount Royal plays an integral part in the City’s educational, business and cultural life and serves a vilal role in responding to evolving community needs Dynamic growth has + * to Dou glas increased ervolments to over 6,100 FTE's in university transfer and career programs; 22,000 registrants'in credit-free courses and 9.400 registrants in the music and speech arts courses. The uiality of the college, its staf and the cily of Calgary is demonstrated by exciling new programs, College exlension of cooperative education delivery, along with a recent $73 million capital expansion and renovation project : Unless otherwise indicated, The Vice-President, Academic, reporting to the President, has the following pnncipal responsbbilities. events take place in the © 0 prowde leadership in the areas of academic planning, recrutment and development of faculy, Performing Aris Theatre, cumculum, academic program and support services; and, Room 4100. « 10 manage the resources of the Dvision of Academic: Affairs. The Division of Academic Affairs compnses six Faculties and the Conservatory ol Music and Speech Aris BAND & CHORAL The Division employs nearly 1,100 instructors and offers 74 academic programs including career diploma and co N E RTS certificate programs, arts and science, general and compensatory, and unwersity-lranster baccalaureate programs, in addition to a wide range of credil-free courses and continung education services @ Sunday, May 27 — 2:30 p.m. This excellent opportunity requires applicants with vision who enjoy the academic leadership challenge facing CHORFEST 90 a dynamic growing college. Candidates must demonstrate a record of commitment to student success and A weekend choral festival hosted by satisfaction and 10 teaching excellence. Progressive academic qualifications and extensive administrative Amabilis Singers, Douglas College experience are essential. Choral Society, & B.C. Choral Applications and nominations should be submitted in stnclest contidence by Apal 16, 1990 to K Darwin Park, Federation. Final concert in the CMC. at Dames, Park & Associates Inc , 904 - 10235 - 101 Steet, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3G! Douglas College Gymnasium, Fax (403) 426-2936 2:30 p.m. Admission: $5 A 20th Anniversary event. anne aaa ALT AAI VME NL A TLE EE PI a MUSIC STUDENT Group Advising Sessions Schedule RECITALS All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximately 11/2» Tuesday, April 24 — 2:00 p.m. - Free - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free and pre-registration is not required. All MUSIC STUDENT RECITAL sessions are held at the New Westminster campus unless otherwise stated. @ Sunday, May 27 - 2:00 p.m. AMABILIS SINGERS APRIL 23 — 27 Douglas College Gymnasium ; For ticket information call the Arts & Education - University Mransler: ce. 2.5) sess ci ee Tuesday, April 24 Humanities Office 527-5466. to Simon Fraser University 0830 hours (Elem. & Sec.) B.Ed. Room 4223 Lorraine Child & Youth Care Counsellor Program ...... Wednesday, April 25 (full-time & part-time) 1400 hours Room 42221 Lorraine Computer Information Systems Program ........ Thursday, April 26 1400 hours Room 4221 Linda Commerce & Business Administration ......... Thursday, April 26 University transfer programs to 1600 hours UBC and SFU Room 4211 Heather Community Social Service Worker Program ........ Friday, April 27 (full-time & part-time) 0830 hours Roorn 4211A Linda