Mad Hatter Page 3 1 | Luckily the studen ceived immediate treat- ment and even though she was ona resuscitator for eighteen hours, and experienced a total paralysis of the left side of her body, she | is now rapidly recovering in the Royal Colum- | bian Hospital. it applied to individual and family welfars (sic); co-operation and community chests have had a hard row to hoe because they demand acceptance by a social group. Moreover, scientific inventions are saleable -- there is profit in them; social inventions may be just as profitable to the community but usually they do not touch the individual pocket so demonstrably. Sanita- tion may be profitable to a community, but to convince the group of this is often a difficult task. Frequently education cannot foresee the changes which scientific inventions will make in social life. How could education have anticipated the changes in social life which the motor car and the radio have brought about? Life is changing all the time and the school cannot prepare for a stable life as it did in pre-scientific days. Hence education must, perforce, go on throughout life. One of the major tasks of Adult Education is to bridge this ga : between scientific and Siiiay atooease part of the College-wide professional days The bridging cannot be done once and for in May. all in the elementary and secondary schoolsjIn closing, I guess the neat thing, or as my it is a continuous performance running from daughter would say, it was a “totally awe- | birth to death. some" experience is that we saved another person's life, and it could happen to you - either way. Think about it! Since I was one of the team who assisted in he CPR, I found it a most traumatic exper- ience. JI have taken courses in CPR but working on an actual "real" person as opposed to a dummy is an experience I will never forget. I recently heard that everyone will come into contact with two heart attacks during their lifetime; I only hope the second one is my own... I am writing this to ask you all to consider taking the four hour heart saver course offered at the College, and in order to facilitate this the Faculty Association have arranged for the course to be offered as Excerpt from Adult Education in Canada: A Survey, by Peter Sandtford, Donald Cameron, et al, Toronto, University Press, 1935! Submitted by W.L.Day ° Chris Johnson Communication Conference Set For DC It Could Happen To You! | | As you may be aware from recent editions of the Mad Hatter, we experienced our very first cardiac arrest in the physical ed- ucation department during the early part of January. The student in question had no history of heart problems, jogged everyday, did not smoke or drink and was not over- weight. The medical profession has not yet deter- 'mined what caused the "death" but have said that it could have happened any time, any- where. The Communications Discipline is pleased to announce that Douglas College is hosting the Canadian Regional Business and Technical Communication Conference on April 26-28. International in scope, the Conference expects participants and speakers from as far east and west as Boston and Hawaii and as far north and south as Fort McMurray and Texas. Speakers will include : Bruce Fauman, Director, Executive Programs, U. B. C. Loraine MacLean, pieeeter's Human Resources, ee ee tl Reem a ke pee