The power of the Facebook filter > Deeply ingrained prejudices finally cleansed Jake Wray Columnist dding a filter to your Face- book profile picture could really make a difference in some- one’s life. Hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people have plummeted by 82 per cent as a direct result of rainbow filters on Facebook profile pictures, according to a new study by Vancouver-based think-tank Digital Canada. “I feel really safe now,” said Jordie Naziel, a gay, aboriginal teen in Prince George. “The rain- bow filter seems to have woken people up. Before people started adding it to their profiles, I used to get my ass kicked after school all the time. Now people just smile and wave. I can’t believe no one thought of doing this sooner.” Kelowna homophobe Tim McNeil told the Other Press that seeing rainbow profile pictures on Facebook was a life-changing moment for him. “Tt’s not that I lack basic hu- man empathy and compassion. I just didn’t understand that I needed to extend those values to gay people. All I knew is that they were different from me, which was a pretty scary thought. I lashed out,” said McNeil. “Then my aunt added the rainbow to her profile picture, and I had an epiphany. Over night, I began to understand how to show love and respect to gay people. I even stopped using homophobic slurs. “T still fuckin’ hate immi- grants, though,” he added. Annie Park, who identi- fies as transgender, said she has noticed the difference that the filters have made. “Once the rainbows popped up on Facebook, I noticed that people weren't looking at me sideways in public anymore. | re- cently applied to be a server at the diner near my apartment,” said Park. “I couldn't believe it. When I went in, the manager shook my Have an idea for a story? WM hand, looked me in the eye, and smiled. He didn’t ask any inap- propriate or demeaning ques- tions. He hired me on the spot.” Sharene Moretti, a gender studies professor at SFU, said the filters have fixed everything. “All across the country, gay-straight alliance groups are fading out. Social programs for LGBTQ+ youth are being cut pretty much across the board, because they’re just not necessary anymore. “Teen suicide rates have dropped dramatically. Religious groups have opened their arms to LGBTQ+ people. Homopho- bia is essentially a non-issue, now. Who would have thought it would be this easy?” Moretti also speculated on the atrocities that could have been prevented if only Facebook had become popu- lar sooner: “If Facebook had been around in the ‘7os, Har- vey Milk would still be alive.” (¥ College professor changes study game ( Broken Internet no worry to web engineers ¥ Hillary Clinton encourages Twitter polls as voting method And more! friend 4/5 therapists agree it’s okay to say “no” to your suicidal By Cara Seccafien, Layout Manager