issue 28 // volume 41 a _=— DIY proj in : i ect to are out your inner geek » Comic book decoupage Brittney MacDonald H Life & Style Editor mB Mlifeandstyle Leos for a fun, DIY project up your space by breaking out your old comic books and the hodgepodge! Decoupage is a way of decorating something by collaging different paper cut- outs all over its surface. It provides a fun aesthetic that will liven up any boring old piece of furniture, or even a notebook cover! If you have a lot of spare comics lying around, it also allows you to cater to your inner geek, but in a way that will come out looking like one of those : “conversation” pieces interior : designers are always going on : about on television. To start, find yourself a : lot of old or damaged comics. : You can go for new if you want : to, but usually if the comics that won't take days? Freshen : a damaged the shops will : give them to you at a massive : discount, and sometimes even : for free. Generally comics are : fairly inexpensive, so they : lend themselves perfectly to : crafting—but if superheroes : really aren’t your thing, you can : do the same process with regular : books as well. Just maybe avoid : the romance novels unless you : don’t mind your morning cup : of coffee resting on someone's : “heaving bosom.” Next, begin cutting. For : comics you can do this in any e Photo via : number of ways. I would suggest : cutting out entire panels (framed : sections within the page) or : pages. Avoid just cutting out : figures, as this may come off : looking a little juvenile. Once you have plenty of cut- : outs, work in sections, layering : outdoor hodgepodge, then your : cut-outs— proceeding until : the entire surface is covered. : Applying the outdoor variant : will ensure that the seal is : waterproof and easy to wipe off : should you spill something on : it. Allow it to dry for an hour or : so, before doing a second layer : of hodgepodge overtop. This : will seal the paper and protect it : from damage. Leave this to dry overnight, and come morning, you'll be : done! & imxyfiu #HashtagLunchbag: Living Through Giving » Using social media to help the homeless Brittney MacDonald H Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle I seems like such a simple and make lunches, then hand them out to the homeless— combat hunger by actually giving people food. Though it that’s exactly what the people at #HashtagLunchbag are doing. Combining the power of social media with philanthropy, they have created a global movement that’s starting to take root right here in Vancouver. Though the movement began in Los Angeles, the local Vancouver chapter of several times a year, issuing a callout over social media, asking for volunteers to come out early in the morning and make hundreds of paper bag lunches : that they will then distribute to : the homeless population. When asked what inspired : him and his friends to create : such a movement, founder Ajay : Relan told the Other Press, : “We were simply looking for idea. Get some people together ; away to give back and found : : it difficult to lock down an : opportunity in our area, so we : decided to do it ourselves, while making it simple and fun. We : wo : : quickly realized that what we may be simple, itis effective, and : unintentionally created wasn't : about food or homelessness, but : humanity itself and the need for ; acknowledgement on all levels.” What makes : #HashtagLunchbag so unique is : its creative use of social media. : As any other 20-something has : heard a thousand times before, : we are constantly being told that #HashtagLunchbag holds events ; Ouruse of technology has made : us apathetic and disconnected : from the world around us. What : #HashtagLunchbag shows us is : that this is not true; that how : we interact with the world, and : how we choose to give back to it : has evolved somewhat, and that : we now have the tools to effect : change ona far larger scale. When asked about the : social media component to the : movement, Relan said “Through : social media, we realized that for : the first time in human history, : each individual has the ability to : inspire someone. Whether you : have 10 friends or followers or : 10-million, you never know who : is watching and what you can : inspire them to do. Our mission : is simply to encourage others : to integrate compassion and : empathy [into] their daily lives, : and by sharing these experiences : watch the world around them : (both physical and digital) shift : around them. That is what : Living Through Giving is all : about.’ To find out more about : #HashtagLunchbag you : can visit their website at :, or check : out their Twitter or Instagram, @hashtaglunchbag. life & style // 17 ra 4 ees Sins Soo a = rs Photo via thinkstock