November 19, 2003 Opinions ¢ the other press © The Canadian Way Lisa Moulds OP Contributor Canada is a truly great nation and I pro- pose that we make it greater. Ask any great leader to tell you how he or she made their country better, and I imagine they would tell you to get the heck out of their office, and stop insulting their greatness. That is why I have come up with my own plan to make Canada the best it can be. I call it...Fascism. As we all know, and as has been previ- ously stated by myself, Canada is the best country in the world. So I propose that we “permit” other people, in other countries, to enjoy the truly special privilege of being Canadian. We can do this by invading all of the other countries in the world, and making them provinces, or, as in the case of our less pleasant neighbours, territories. Come on, admit want to invade the States, don’t you? Imagine it, every- thing in the metric system, and the Canadian dollar would be the only curren- cy. Secondly, we come to the problem of communism. I put it to you that nobody really likes communism or communists. I mean, how many wars have we fought against the communists? What was the Cold War all about? Communism. What the Russian Revolution about? Communism. What were all those purges was under Stalin about? Communism! So, to eliminate this nasty little problem, Communism should now be illegal, and we should put all of the communists in jail, and be done with it. After all, communists seem to have this nasty little habit of killing all of the non-communists. I’m not a big fan of dying, and neither are my extremely rich, capitalist backers, so we are choosing to eliminate these people before they become an actual threat. And why should that make any difference to you? Are you a communist? ARE YOU? I propose that we stop thinking, and start “doing!” There can be nothing productive accomplished without the act of produc- tion. We have all seen what thinking got us in the past—nothing. All of the great thinkers in the world were beaten by “doers.” Socrates was a big thinker...what did he get? Socrates got the death penalty. Why? For thinking too much. The death penalty should be instigated for people who choose to live unproductive lives, devoted to laziness, and thought. If you are thinking, you are not producing anything productive. Besides, anything worth thinking of has already been thought out too well already. My friends, the question you must ask yourselves—being proud, noble, and true Canadians—is “How can I best serve my Country?” The answer is, of course, vote for me, Canada’s soon-to-be first fascist dictator. I can provide you with the stabili- ty you need, the power you crave, and everything you have ever desired (including shutting up the Americans, once and for all). The one sacrifice I ask of you is to always put your country first. Canada is living, breathing entity, and you must pro- tect it...with your life, if necessary. That is no more and no less than what is asked of any soldier. You are now all the soldiers of the Canadian Homeland. The protectors of the right! The guardians of all things sacredly Canadian! The Beaver, CBC, Don Cherry, those Heritage Moments on TV, The National Post, and Tim Horton's! You, as the original Canadians, are the master race. Through our nice manners, we shall put down the non-Canadians, and then raise them up to a level second only to our own. By concealing our intentions, through our naturally unimposing appear- ance, we can infiltrate the system and force the foreigners into submission. After all, if they aren't willing to sacrifice themselves, are they fit to be Canadian? Now get out of my office, and stop insulting my greatness. HEIL CBC! "Can't get the courses you need? Getting the post-secondary credentials you need is not always easy—from getting into the classes you want to balancing school work with other commitments. The British Columbia Open University offers over 500 distance university and college courses, many of them open for registration throughout the year. Transfer the BCOU credits you earn to the program of your choice or apply them to a BCOU credential. Register today. Start any time. 604.431.3300 = 1.800.663.9711 BRITISH COLUMBIA OPEN UNIVERSITY A Division of the OPEN LEARNING AGENCY BCOU a ce 2 a Deqice Angela Blattmann OP Photographer Who will win the 2003 Grey Cup Challenge? (Survey taken on Thursda November 13-) Name: Minshang Answer: Montreal. Name: Kali Answer: I don’t know. I don’t follow this. Leave me alone! Oh, all right, Montreal. Name: Kiri and Kristal Answer: The what? Oh, football. The Dallas Cowboys! J Sea) Page 9