@ the other press © Features si Mike Falys 6P Eanitibuler A fifth anniversary is a tne fer reflection: This Pebruary, cet College will Hest its fifth lhterHatiehal Medel United Natiang, whieh bears the ungala- ly nae ef DOUGIMUN: fA 1997, 4 single faeuley member teak four adventurous college dudenty te the Amelean University ef Gaire’s Medel United Nationa, That tip was the spark that ignited DOUGIMEN, Fran hutible beginnings, DOUGIMUN has pave intB A esnferenee that will diaw Here than 150 delepates, sone Frei a8 far away as the a a Newport University in West Virginia. The secret 8 DOUGIMUN®S auiccess i fwefeld: the passin it iAspires 1A the partieipanis—be they stu- dents of dighitaries—akd the leadership ef Marlene Hanevele, a Douglas College Political Selenee —s instFuetor = aid DOUGIMUN faculty adviser A Medel United Nations (MUN) is a feur-day conference where students role-play dele: gates from ebuntties around the world in simulated United Nations earimittees: _ The debates ate eandueted ee te actual UN procedures; a8 the delegates ate strongly eHEBuF aged te faithfully represent theif respective nation’ as they seek answers ¢6 Feal-world igeties: The underlying stength 6F 4 MUN jg that it allews students te explore glebal issues frei unique perspectives. As Hanevel uts it; “The ebheept eheBuirages individualisni and colleetivigh at the sane fine, Beeause students need ¢6 think as individual eau ries; But have 6 leak at the wider pietures of the world.” DOUGIMUN’ beginnings lie in the expetienees OF that First a t6 Caite; when the Deuglas delegation represented — the Aation OF Nigetia ef the Seeurity Cetinell: Our hamegrawa dele: gates did the esllege proud: Het Buily was thelr sg resolu: tisk passed by the MUN Security Counell; but thei selu- Hien was aetually forwarded to the real United Natiena. This Mareh will see the AiRh eellege: supported tip te the MUN iA Cairo; wheh 37 students will agail eaFFy BUF heHouF AbFeAd: Alice Hartley, the first DOUGIMUN Secretary General and a member of the Nigerian delegation in Cairo; recalls; “the idea te generate aA at-henie Medel United Nations resees ere was 4 fesult oF the jAspiraten aid energy that beth Marlene and the students whe attended the Cairo [esnferenee| bratight baek with then.” The 1999 DOUGIMUN prenies whieh task 4 year te plan, wae aA ung uestianed BHEEERS, POR EIMON) WIRE 8. experenes of all participants: “a faut-day eonferenet like this He gets yeu 6A 4 High, and whether it 18 the guest speakers GF sti dents attending the MUN, they epine away like they've been 6i drugs fer Four days.” Perhaps its the addictive ature oF this ean feretiee that la the ‘eal secret £6 SSBB EOREESSBEESES ERSTE REST ESE ingpire Has Fueled five years of enthusiastic patticipatioA by beth delegates and dignitaries: This inspiration is typified by the earments of Ramita Peters; a atideHt whe fepresented Senegal 6H =the «~=—SU UN Bavironental Program e6Hi- mittee 1A DOUGIMUN 3001: ‘Te Peters; BOUGIMUN fepie- sented the BppOFUAEY “te lear about saHiet rita Hew ald forelgh by Being subsiersed Fight in the expetlenee.* Beters alse Feferted t6 the thrill F werk ing with ethers “whe shared my interest if the well-being of the world: 1t was 86 aniaaing £8 work a with se many different talented peaple t6 EaHIe Up With a final product: tt truly did feel like we were in the UN.* This passioh about the exper: eee i after the event: LuelaHa lei; & past Seeretary General and lege te FH DOUGIMUN enthusiast; puts it this way: “When | ge ever Hy résuirié HOw; | still eonsider par- Heipatiig ia DOUGIMUN 48 beitig, iF ot the greatest achieve: HeHE; at least the HOSE |HEEFESE= ing and Gtiginal thing | have ever aceatiplished.* According = «6 = Marlene Hanesek, this enthusiast extends beyond the delegates and ig shared by the AuieFeus diple- mats and dighitaHes whe. help fake DOUGIMUN a sucess: Haneoek refers te the “euphate” http://www. otherpress.éa {ES SHEERS: This addictive aspeet Hight alse explain the na partielpa- HoH by many 6F the notable speakers: Par instatee; at the Hinl-eeferenes DOUGIMUN heated last Noveriber sehiat bureaucrat Peter G. Bates, Deputy Direetot of lnteraatisnal CHiie ad TerreHait; spoke ele: ead via video-conferenelig: ates will ~=be attending DOUGIMUN 3004 a8 4 guest EF ahd &6 Fab elbews with the delegates: Every year there ate several such intriguing guest speakers whe fake the sitiulated aspect ofa MUN seen Hueh fete Feal: The annual festivities inelude a SS SS ee The Power To Inspire farial Diplamiats Eveniag €6- sponsored by the Cahadiak institute oF laternatenal Affairs; whieh alse Helps atratge the pa oa 6F ferHier Canadian alibassadets, Another interest: He ieHent will Be this years vides-ebHferenelig with the UN featuHiig a Balestilan AutheHty representative whe will be dis EUSIHE lesues — SUFFOUAIHE Isael’s EBHStEUEHGH OF tHE “SeEU- Hey wall.” These appeatahees by diple- ate and dignitaries ate the Festilt BF tHE GXtEHEIVE EBHHEE: Hons Bulle UB BvEF Fhe years by the dewH-te-eaHth Hanebele; who jokingly claims, “lt is a Bad Habit | have oF getlig t khew Ce i When pressed abst ew she Hiakes these eontaets; Hanesek saya, “Vii a living, walllg, breathing political sel- entlst; 96 if t dent develap e6n- AeeHeHS; | aii Het delHg Hy job: job aside, Haneoek shaws the passion underlying beth het Hetwortiag skills ad het leader- ship of DOUGIMUN when she states; “Palitleal selene 18 a feal activity: ifs the stuff the weld splis BA: Le Fat nal An interest ih aid a passion Par political realities seis te eaptl- vate the delegates GHEE they get immersed iH the eanfereHee eHviFoHHeHE, regardless @F thelk initial level oF interest: Hanesek efedite this transfarHatlel t6 the fact that DOUGIMUN “eteates a thirst; | think, F 4 deslie; for people 6 go beyond thei: selves.” ‘ She continues; “We have had very seie# Ottawa officials here at this eenferenes and they ate always atiazed at the level aid uality GF the students: Aad I think that level ef quality is alwaye therei it's just that He BHE _ Febuary 4, 2004 bothers te clea the steaii OFF the windows 86 that peaple eal aeti- ally see [the quality.) And | think that Bie OF the Purpases | Have 1s te take the steaii 6fF the wide daws; 66 that peaple ean see that stidente are able te aeconiplish any thitigs give the Hght ee at This statenient Hint at the persehal HbtVvatleHs that pull Hatebek Back year aRer yedk SHE 18 vey EareAUI E68 BBIHE But that she deesh't dé it alae and efedits the Hatd wetk ad dedi: cated oF the BrBAnIzAB EBHIRE tee OF students whe work fer HES =8H DOUGIMUN, Hatiebek tHes t6 FelHalH 1H the Backgrouid as Hiueh 48 possible: Whei asked if she does this Because she 18 affald oF upstaglig te stidents; she laughs ald says; “| wotild never be affald of thati aiid | would Hever do that.” Despite a EBHaelBus EEE EB ABE Bvershadew HeF 6 a eaniniltiee; it ig deubéti DOUGIMUN wauld be a8 sue: eesefil witheut Hanewel, She genuinely ehjeys the satishietion GF SAG StUAEHES HAnSRRHH aid eee frei the eeperlenee; and tat Hakes all the worl worth all the eure: Hanebek suitg up beth het Belief ji the value 6F DOUGIMUN aid her peieual gatisfactiah whe she 8ayg; “Phete lett a sive gasbord 1A the wotld that Ea Hiateh it far what students will get ut OF it: IF Ehey fe intellectually fa Pi be app BOuUeIMUN 5th Annual Coriferenee |g entitled, “A World ii Teel: TRFOHSHH LA the 3 1st Centuty:” Feb: 7=10; 3004 New Westininste: Caiipué: 1afe at awww.douglas-be-ea/deuginunl Si