ae DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Madhatter PAGE 3 ‘The Depa ome yt of English and Basic ( Communications et ‘that the confusion resulting from joint possession of the work “communi- _ cations" be resolved. Policy statement B4.1 regarding 1 ee ‘program content defines communica as basic skills of oo listening and r This policy is eee in sign- ificance, and the responsibility for carrying out the instruction involved has been assigned to the present English and Communications | " t. With this — responsibility the College. has hired ' faculty with this explicit kind of instruction in mind. Just as clearly the present eitcriment of Arts & Communications ,. has been assigned the responsibility for “program development (as and when Zt Conus in the field of technologically- We are all aware of the significance i ing, : 3 — i New unio visa. Hours Please note that the . Audio-Visual nt's new hours are: Mon-Fri. 0745 - L7S Mon - Fri. 0745 - 1715 For evening pick-ups please enquire at McBride Site Library, local 220% S.T.E.P. (Systematic Training fc Effective Parenting) , Tuesday, September 28 at 2000 -— 2200 at the of the term communications in the areas. Coquitlam Family Centre, 699 Robinson. of ling et. one Gee pe of math- x Parents of Teens - for parents experiencing the frustrations of living with their teen, starting Monday, September o7 at 2000 - 2200 at the Toqui tlam Family Centre. Se Le is 3 hacntel ana tans: ‘to exascerbate an area | in which there is inherent conf: Lict, I have contemplated 3 alternatives: a) Eliminate the term from department Parent Study - Children the Challenge. For Parents of children eleven and under. Starts Tuesday, September 21 at 2000- namenclature. me b) Assign the word cammnications to one 2200 at the Port Coquitlam Senior department. dary also Tuesday, September al at 2000 - 2200 at Kilmer Elementary School. c) Attach a qualifying adjuective that confirms present institutional activities, I have selected alternative 3. Henceforth, A workshop "Helping Children eae with Loss will be held Saturday, tx at 0930 - 1230 at Coquitlam Foniy Centre,