snd THE USE OF VOLUNTEERS Pat Lee, Head of the Department of Adult Basic Education at Spelthorne Adult Education Institute, Staines, England., will be at Bridgeview School, 11500, 128th St, Surrey on Wednesday, January 21, 2-4 p.m. to discuss and answer questions on "THE USE OF VOLUNTEER TUTORS in LITERACY PROGRAMS" based cn her experiences in England. Refreshments and informal conversation will follow the presentation. For further information contact Mona Heller, Langley 530-7391. -..-ousan Day HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished 4 bedroom house to rent, situated on 1 acre. Available August, 81 - August 82. $800. per month. For further information call Paul Harrison at: 591-1370 (evenings) For rent 4 bedroom home in Queensborough. Quiet Area, near school, shopping, community center and bus route. The home is currently being renovated, Outside to be sided and landscaped early Spring. There is a full basement and large 55 x 135ft yard. This home will be available for rent February 1 1981, for $650 per month. For further information contact Tom Whalley, 524-0371 or 525-4208. ...Tom Whalley ON THE MOVE Fraser Valley College's Mission Regional Center has moved to new premises at 32335 Fletcher Avenue (Fletcher and Hurd), from its previous location at Fifth Avenue in Mission. The larger facility will be officially opened this spring. Ron Coreau, former regional programmer for the College's Agassiz Center, has been appointed regional programmer for the new Mission Center. ’ BOOKSALE Giant Midwinter Book Sale, Sunday February 1, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Mather House, Burnaby Arts Centre in Century Park, 6450 Gilpin Street (right next to the Burnaby Craft Market) call 298-7322 for further information