S. ED's NOTES And now for the good news: the Mad atter will now accept classified ads n such catagories as pets, plants, vents, livestock, swaps, lost and ound, announcements, for rent, wanted o rent, and for sale. . The one exception is real estate ads, which should be sent to the inion. Each ad should be typed like this yn one side of a white sheet of paper ith your name, phone local and campus at the bottom of each. No illustrations of ads could be ccepted, and they should be as short s possible. Although I don't think he knows it et, you'll notice we have a Mad Solumnist (bearded, too!), whose news ill hopefully appear fairly regularly from now on, probably under the heading JayBee's News. I often receive bits and “pieces of this and that in intercampus mail ddressed to the Mad Hatter with no jindication of where they're coming ‘from. Please put a name on it, so I ican call if there are problems. ---judie steeves jaybee's news.. I joined the College in June as the Personnel Assistant: so far my job has been "challenging and in- teresting, and at times subject to rather unique pressures..." which -I believe is what Daniel said when he was asked how things were in the Den. People may wonder what I have been doing these past six months and I remember the story about the crusty old commodore who, during exercises at sea nearly got "pranged" by a very junior “ commanding officer in a small des- troyer. The senior officer had this caustic message sent-"What are you doing?" - and received this’ truth- ful reply “learning a lot". That's what I've been doing - learning a lant. It has been suggested that perhaps readers of the Mad Hatter might like to read a little bit about some of the new people on staff and those members on staff who have changed jobs or been promoted. Leys an excellent idea and I'll try and do it justice. Unfortunately that adds up to a big bunch of people-so if you will bear with me, I will do the most current first and work my way back to June. O.K? O.K®. NICHOLAS LEWIS-MEDIA PROJECTS TECHNICIAN JANUARY 1976 I got a nasty note from the Workmen's Compensation Board the other day, complaining about @rowded conditions in the Instruction Resource Centre (I.R.C.); offices get smaller and smaller and we still have two more positions to fill. The most recent addition to thelI.R.C. (after a long series of inter- views) is Nicholas Lewis. In addition to a diploma in Visual Communications from the Banff School of Fine Arts, Nicholas has a B.Sc. in Zoology and Anthropology from the University of Calgary. SUSAN SOMERS - LIBRARY ASSISTANT II - SURREY CAMPUS - JANUARY 1976 Susan Somers already on the staff of the Surrey Library was the suecessful applicant for the position being vacated by Cheryl Lefebvre. The Library is always so well organized that sometimes I hate to stand around too long for fear I'll be stamped, catalogued and relegated to software. Susan originally started work as a Student Assistant in the Surrey Library via the Calgary School Board and Simon Fraser University. She became a regular full- _ time employee in April 1975 as a Library Assistant I. Susan has successfully completed several courses in Mathematics and Chemistry at Douglas and may follow this up in the future. At present, she holds the rather awesome title of Technical Services Assistant: Serials, Maps, Pamphlets and Government Documents. .