Wednesday, March 13th - SSMEA. 7:30 p.m. Thursday -—SSMEA. 7:30 p.m. March ljth -Surrey Little Theatre present "Compulsory Option" by Sharon Pollock A comedy involving 3 bachelors who share quarters and complications inherent. Surrey Little Theatre, 7027 - 184th Street in Surrey. Admission $2.25 & $1. 8 p.m — Friday, March 15th - "Compulsory Option". 8 p.m. Saturday -East Indian Pageant (live performance and films). March 16th -Festival of Flags. A color guard competition sponsored by the Surrey Drifters Drum & Bugle Corps. Top color guards from the Pacific Northwest in competition. Queen Elizabeth High School. 1 p.m. Silver collection. -"Compulsory Option". 6&8 p.m. WatcH for the. Blo BANDS in the 9 ohoppi No ‘Centres ON frunesdavs ee Sunday -"Sunday Aura". ‘Coffeehouse, entertainment, refreshments. Admis- March 17th sion 75¢. €:30 p.m. Monday -Surrey drama teachers one-act festival. One-act plays (3 per March 18th night) to be adjudicated by professionals, to receive awards for excellence in various aspects of production. Runs to the 23rd. Admission $1 & 50¢ for children. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19th - Drama festival. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 20th - Drama festival. 7:30 p.m. Thursday -Drama festival. 7:30 p.m. March 2lst -"Compulsory Option". 8 p.m. Surrey Playhouse Theatre. Friday -Drama festival. 7:30 p.m. : March 22nd -—"Compulsory Option". 8 p.m. Surrey Playhouse Theatre. SSturday -Aeards night for Surrey Drama Teachers one-act festival. 7:30 p.m March 23rd -"Compulsory Option". 8 p.m. Surrey Playhouse Theatre. -Music dance "Old Time™. Ocean Park Commnity Hall. Light re- freshments. Admission $1. 8 p.m. Sanday -"Musique Par Couer". An original msic ensemble featuring compo- March 24th sitions by Don Druick (contemporary classical). Admission $1.50 & $1. 2 p.m (0. DOUGLAS. CCLLEFE LIBRARY