a (> P.O. Box 301 Richmond, British Columbia Canada ritish columbia environmental council Calastnnin: whe enani reg. Federated Environmental Associations The Board of Directors of British Columbia isnvironme:.tal Council cordially invites you to join a conducted bus tour of the Fraser Estuary - SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1974 10:00 A. M. — 4:00 FP. M. Bus leaves from Richmond Municipal Hall (Parking lot) 691 No. 3 Road Richmond, B. C. For the past four years British Columbia Environmentul Council has persisted in pressing for comprehensive, inter-disciplinary research on the Lower Fraser River. By now some oi this re- search has been completed and more is underway, but the findings do not seem to be bled into the decision-making process. British Columbia Environmental Council believes the Fraser Estuary is seriously threatened by: 2 operating vlants 1 under construction 1 nlanned Minimally-treated sewage - development - expansion of Airrort, Roberts Banke and Ferry terminal - industrial park and rort develo:ment under construction at Surrey and plannec: tor Tilbury Island a ferry terminal t. rerlace the one at Horseshoe Bay. Experts will be on the bus to cutline studies com.eted or underway and answer your questions. Reserve a seat on the bus by ;honing 277-4424 To help defray costs of the Tour, Jonations will be accepted.