games in during the rainy seasons. “| used to even wear sand socks and long johns, and | was on the beach in November, one time when it was even slightly SNowiNg, aNd we were playing outside,” he said, and he was not alone. épack hosts many different leagues of beach volleyball to accommodate Vancouver's eager volleyball community. The facility offers sixes, fours, and twos leagues, with each league having its own designated days each week. However, league play isn’t the only way of playing beach volleyball that 6pack indoor beach has to offer. "We have professional coaches that come in with athletes that are amateurs that want to get better and play in tournaments, so that’s another great aspect,” Pressacco explained. During the interview, the Monday coaching clinic players were just leaving and the fours league was warming up. Jennifer Scott was one of the players hanging out on the sidelines, having been on the beach for a few hours already. She started out playing in the fours league at 6pack, but as she has continued playing she moved over to twos. OT) LES Leute melo Mm lan AU SL fours anymore,” she said. Scott also takes advantage of 6pack’s rT Archery tag runs its most competitive games on Sundays, in which a team can only win by eliminating every player of the opposition. Other versions of the game are similar to the different versions of dodgeball, and Twaites said that they have even started getting archery tag regulars along with the usual beach volleyball regulars he sees on a weekly basis. "A couple of the volleyball players we have here tonight | know on a first Name basis; | see them every Monday night, every week,” he said. “We also have regulars in all the other sessions as well who I'm on a first Name basis with.” With 6pack still being relatively young, it remains an uNdiscovered treasure by many in Vancouver. Pressacco is hoping that will be a thing of the past, and is excited about where the facility is heading. After walking out of the warehouse, the air felt colder and the ground harder, though inside the sounds of shouts, bumps, and spikes could still be heard above the noise of the cars driving over the Fraser River. Sometimes they played beach volleyball until one in the morning, Prossacco had said, as No one keeps much track of time in a place where it is always a suNNy and dry summer day.