ALERT: Robbery on campus » Many college students fall victim to theft Chandler Walter Distribution Manager ollege students should be keeping a close watch on their purses and wallets, as many reports of mass thievery on campus have surfaced. Many of these reports are gut-wrenching, and we advise our readers to continue through > cash?!” This is an especially : emotional case, as this is the : fourth time Wells has been : robbed in his time at the college, : and he suspects it won't be his : last. “Every semester, time and : again. You think you're safe. You : think you're financially stable— : and then, poof! Gone. Blink of : outspoken advocate for SABR : (Students Against Bookstore : Robbery). “These kids, they : practically line up to be robbed. : Every semester it’s the same; it : breaks my heart. [The thieves] : even leave a paper trail: every : student pickpocketed is left with : varying pages of useless paper— : dozens, hundreds, but it’s all just : incomprehensible script. They’re this article at their own risk. : an eye. Tap of a card.” : just taunting the victims.” We talked to students about : From the information we College and university the incidences, though most : have collected, it appears that : officials have been notified, were too shaken to form full : the thieves primarily work out of ! though so far their powers over sentences, or even to look our : the college bookstores, preying : the matter are slim. It leads reporter in the eye. One Jason : mostly on first-year students. : one to wonder if a darker, more Wells, a second-year general : Their strategies are many, their : sinister agenda is underway in studies student, had calmed : charades choreographed and : the post-secondary institutions down enough to be interviewed. : cunning. It appears thatnoone !: many students have come to =e “T just, I don’t understand : is safe, and we advise college- : love, and even consider home. , ee: how it happened,” said Wells, : going students to be wary : For now, the most that z his eyes glazed over, half staring : within/near the bookstores, : students can do is stick together, = into the distance. “In a single : especially during the earlier : weather the storm, and hold on < moment, I lost hundreds. Do : weeks of the semester. : to the hope that someday this eS & you know how many burgers : “I’ve watched them do it,” : madness will end. b ——. —— ..... & I flipped to make that kind of : said student Veruca Barnes,an_: a Se E The meaning of life: » A very important word search We're all looking for answers, and I’ve found a way to Sharon Miki give them to you. Here’s how to do it: stare at the below nour Fal for word search for two to three minutes. The first three a words that come to you are the meaning to yout life. Tweet us your results @TheOtherPress! Brittney MacDonald & Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle wn ~< OD ~x< < U ALLL 3 THE WORLDS aL) tA aL) aa .... HER da aaa HEADLINER COLOUR SLIDE PROJECTOR