‘WORD ON THE STREET Laura Kelsey, Photographer i ca fener) See a en Ue al ay i cae a an Ears Eas Bef aay “Will ——s fare increase discourage you rom using transit?” Christian Dalumpines Jesse Hamilton Brenda Lavallee First-year Criminal Justice First-year Marketing Part-time Communications “Yes. I live in Surrey and I’m forced to pay “No. It’s still a lot cheaper than driving—anda “You have to look at what’s most economical. It two and three zones so it will be much more lot less frustrating.” won’t discourage me, but it will make me think expensive.” twice about my mode of transportation.” J New Menu! New Management! Renos under waynow Free WiFi! "ET 9 for 10.99 apples es es) mens ae fri Cheap Dyurelcs | Aan be. erence D: Molson Canadian . Z Aves "eRI: Highballs 2.75 Vitamin C's 2-75 E | eS al) NEW WESTMINSTER BC P: 604.522.0011 | F: 604.522.0544 G2