OP Game Guy Nick Hogg Buy Nothing in Games s a gamer, I fully support Buy Nothing Day: it’s a core value at the heart of all gamers. So when Buy Nothing Day rolls around, I urge you not only to avoid buying stuff, but also to avoid buying video games. That’s right, we must show companies in the digital world like Shindra and The Rose Queen Company that we aren’t just corporate slaves. So, join me on November 26th and don’t spend a single rupee, gold piece, yen, or loonie. Many gamers out there ate too dependent on the merchants in their games, too, but you must break free, and not support those greedy digital bastards. I frequently hear complaints that you constantly need new potions and new equipment, but the fact is that all the best equipment in the majority of games can be found for free, so think about that. The merchants don’t sell you the best equipment, they just steal your money and give you crap. My suggestion to you is to go out and continually fight mon- sters that drop potions and healing items. Don’t even get me started about inns; they make you pay to sleep there, even though you can go and lie in the bed. Why, you ask? Because those greedy mer- chants own the inns and will not let you sleep until you pay them. If you try to sleep for free they, will poke you with a stick, If you think games vary so much that you couldn’t possibly go one day without buying them, well, you’re so wrong that you should have to face a random boss encounter, with less than half health. Yes, you heard me, that’s how wrong you are. Now go away and be ashamed of yourself. Take Star Ocean as an example, instead of just buying healing, I suggest spending several hours fighting random encounters to build up the items you need to make healing items, and in another few hours you'll be ready with enough items to get you through 30 minutes of random encounters. Some of you ate all whiny because you think you need shiny new equipment since the boss monsters are too hard. But you are wussies. That’s the effect of the merchants’ brain- washing you into thinking the armour and swords that they sell ate what you need. For a resource- ful gamer, I suggest just stealing stuff from monsters before you murder them for the gold and expe- rience points contained in their monster heads. You may also ask what to do with your surplus of currency if you don’t spend it on healing items and trips to the inn. The problem is that most gamers are too theme-centric. Sure, you’re on a quest to save the world, but have you ever stopped to think about homelessness in games? No, you haven’t. I know you haven't, because that’s just the kind of per- son you are. I suggest you help one of the homeless NPCs that spend their days wondering around town telling you useful things like, “There are many guards in the castle,” or some other crap you never both- ered to pay attention to, probably involving “Spoony Bards.” So when Buy Nothing Day rolls around, show your support by not buying any items within the genre of video games. That means you'll have to pass on the bombs and red potions in Ze/da, forego the buying of materia from Shinra, say no to those delicious healing items from the Rose Queen Shops, and send a clear message to the merchants of games. You are not alone The Students’ Union’s Pride Collective provides resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students at the college. The Collective meets Thursdays at 3:00 in room 328 in the students’ union building at the New Westminster Campus. All lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered, questioning and allied students are welcome. Douglas Students’ Union Canadian Federation of Students Local 18 november au/aoow