the ther Press Volume 23 * Issue 5 * October 7 1998 Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 Fax 525.3505 or 527.5095 David Lam Campus Room a3107 Phone 527.5805 The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper. We've been pub- lishing since 1976. The Other Press is run as a non-hierar- chical collective, which means that if anything goes wrong, blame it on Trent. The OP is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters and monthly [as a magazine] during the sum- mer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registra- tion, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to pub- lish, and what not to publish, but usually we print every- thing, unless it is racist, sex- ist or homophobic. If you have any quibbles with what we choose, maybe you should get your lazy butt down here and help. Coordinators Athletics ~ Hamish Knox Athletics Assistant: Culture ~ Jochen Bierptumpel a& Culture Assist: Coquitlam ~ Lorenzo Sia cog_coordinator@op.douglas. Cog. Assist: CUP Liaison ~ Cathy Tan CUP Assist: Jennifer Swanston Distribution ~ Pierre Florendo Dist. Assist provided by: Features ~ Annette Martin Feature Assist: News ~ Homan Sanaie news News Assist: OP/Ed ~ Tom Laws opinions @op. douglas. OP\Ed Assist: Photography ~ Dave Tam Photo Assistant: Kristina Holtz Production ~ Joanna Cole production_co@op.douglas. Production Assistants: Webslinger ~ Mark Smeets op_web@op.douglas. Web Assistant: Employees Advertising ~ John Morash Bookkeeping ~ Zahra Jamal Production Resource ~ Joyce Robinson production Editorial Resource ~ Corene McKay Contributors New Westminster: Jason Kurylo, Jason Humber, Jason Rochon, Adrienne Lindsay, Sarah Galashan, Marcel Martin, Justin Breakwater, Holly Keyes. David Lam: Erlina Megawati, Sean Clark. haling is bad. Whaling is evil, and everybody should drop everything to stop the evil Makah tribe from killing them. And someone like the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society should spearhead the effort and bombard the whales with sounds to scare them off. Whether you believe the Makah’s story of ancient religion or not, why not let them kill a couple whales? Why bother stopping them, when they're not really doing any- thing we, the good guys, haven't done already? But the dirty Indian bastards are using machine guns to kill the whales, rather than being a good nation like us and merely dumping a few thousand gallons of oil into the water and killing every- thing. And history tells us how waste-conscious the Native Americans were when it came to using the entire carcass of the beast. They would use everything, and leave nothing to waste, unlike the wonderful, God-sent Europeans who would kill for sport and leave the non-economic parts of the ani- mal to rot in the sun. Take all the evidence into account, and it’s obvious that the Eurotrash are the better hunters because we can make more money from hunting. So we let the Indians hunt, and the Sea Shepherd Society sticks their hairy nose into it. Bombard the ocean with sound so the whales stay away. Great idea. Bring the big gas-guzzling boats into the water and spew a few thousand litres of exhaust fumes into the air, water and surrounding environment instead of letting a wooden canoe, propelled by paddles, glide through the water. Obviously, eco-yuppie groups society needed some PR after a long stint of having nothing to waste time and money on. After by. Salmon don’t make cute faces when they're in tanks. And nobody tries to study the sounds fish make to communicate underwater. And there are only multi-million dollar movies about marine mammals, not about fish. As if no one had noticed that these same groups have had nothing to say about the zeal- A night out with the whale pod-people means a nasty hangover the next morning File Photo all, you can only spike so many trees and kill so many loggers before it gets tiring. Don't worry about the salmon, though. They're ugly, and not mam- mals, so we can let them go on being hunted every year by two nations, and let them sink to near- extinction levels while we idly stand ous over-fishing of salmon stocks. The presiding pro-whaling argu- ment is that it will bring the Makah tribe a better economic lifestyle. Once again, the white majority tries to live off the backs of those we have put into poverty. Any history book will tell you that we put the Indians on reservations, and have given them so few rights that they are forced into poverty, and then everyone cries when we give them money. So, instead of giving them a way to make themselves some money, thwart their efforts. Instead of per haps helping China out by selling them technology to better them- selves, we continually buy products made by near slave labour (workers are paid less than minimum wage. Way less.) so we, in the West, can save ten dollars. We've enslaved them as well. At least we're not hy ocritical. We'll screw anyone we ca to get ahead. It comes down to the obvious fact that we value the lives of an entirely different species mo than our own. People will pay glob in taxes to make a truly awesome army with every known weapon. And even more tax money to help fund the search for the best bomb possible to kill human enemies. Bu we roar with disgust when it’s a whale. It's about time everybody took their heads out of their asses and figured out that every time an eco- group society worker drives to work, they pollute the environmen That most things you buy at Walmart, or Eddie Bauer, or the GAP, or anywhere, are cotton whic is harvested by a big gas machine that kills the ecosystem (micro organisms, bacteria, small insect species) which a cotton plantation maintains. Maybe people should start thinking thac, hey, the indige- nous peoples were here long befor trendy eco-groups and they seeme to have maintained life pretty well, instead of eradicating entire specie like we have. Once again, maybe people should just try and have a thought of their very own instead of listening to whatever new latte- drinking, moronic eco-cult comes along. NOW WHAT'S ~ WRONG, Ji eae GONNA BE LATE wou? \? IN SCHOOL! 757 GLENDA, JEN, MIRANDA, BELINDA LINDA, AMY, MALA e TIKI. IN THE SKY ISITA Biad? , ISITA PLANES lp Page 2 September 23 1998 The Other Press