MAD HATTER ALCOHOL AND DRUG AWARENESS WEEK fy iene and Drug Awareness Week is Monday, November 16 through to Friday, November 20. Drinking and drug abuse on col- lege campuses has become a serious issue, mostly due to the high rate of alcohol and drug re- lated accidents and other negative affects on family, friends and co-workers. This program is geared towards students as well as faculty and staff, to promote both greater information and sup- port for combatting alcohol and drug abuse. There will be a local support group available for information and help each day and a breathalyser unit on display Thursday, November 19, in the concourse. All support groups will be available in the concourse on Thursday, November 19. Videos will be shown throughout the week on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. COLLEGE WEEK ’87 - A Community Celebration! . Ces and technical in- stitutes across Canada will join forces this fall to launch their second annual nation-wide awareness campaign, College Weck ‘87. Taking place Monday, November 23 to Sunday, Novem- ber 29 under the auspices of the Association of Canadian Com- munity Colleges (ACCC), College Week ‘87 will feature a wide range of activities and programs revolving around the national theme for the event, “Our Col- leges...Building Community from Coast to Coast", "Our colleges are a vital part of their local community, of the Canadian community, and ul- timately, of the global community," says Yves Sanssouci, President of ACCC and Director General of College Edouard- Montpetit (Longueuil, Quebec.). "Millions of people interact with a college on a daily basis — as stu- dents, employees or through participation in a broad spectrum of business, industry and com- munity-related activities. “Although colleges have been the fastest growing sector of post- secondary education in Canada since the late 1970's, public aware- ness has not reflected this new reality. College Week ’87 repre- sents a concerted effort on the part of our membership to high- light and celebrate the tremendous social, economic and cultural impact of colleges on the communities they serve.” Within the framework of Col- lege Week '87, colleges across the country will be generating in- dividual and/or regional projects in accordance with their par- ticular needs and resources. n houses, student exhibitions, displays in public venues, media and advertising campaigns, and receptions for various community groups, are just some of the ac- tivities currently being planned. College Week ’87 is being co-or- dinated by ACCC, a national, non-profit organization provid- ing research, information and liaison services (in both official languages) for and about the col- lege community. With a membership comprised of 125 in- stitutions,the ACCC is recognized as the primary advocacy group in Canada acting on behalf of all public, post-secondary institu- tions other than universities. ™N NOVEMBER 23-29 COLLEGE Building Community from Coast to Coast” COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND CANADA A: part of Community Col- leges Week 87, The Mad Hatter is asking faculty, staff and students to write to us about what they think Community Col- leges should be doing differently to serve the needs of the com- munity. You can tell us what we are doing wrong and what we are doing right. Next week during Community College’s Week we'll publish those letters.