Other Press June 25, 1990 Smith Corona manual typewriter. $5. Yes, it works. 464-2191. The Lesbian/ Gay / Bisexual Collective meets on a regular basis to give support to those who need it on campus. If you would like to become a member of the Collective, call Nor- man at 527-5111. Utmost confidentiality assured. The Other Press Clas- sifieds are a great way to get your messages across! If you are advertis- ing on the bulletin boards, why not go in the clas- sifieds? Student ads are absolutely FREE! Just show us your student card. Businesses $1 a line. An- nouncements are FREE! Let the OP sell your stuff or send your message. Boss Super Distortion & Feedback pedal, as new, $70 firm. Also Prince 50 watt amp, solid state, $50 obo. Call 253-6203 and ask for Tim. Handcrafted Guitars and Repairs - Classical & Steel string. Special rates for Douglas College stu- dents. Call Jeff Sigurdson at 520-0577 of 443-8043. Typesetting done on professional equipment. We are less expensive than you would expect. We use all the latest software - we can do any- thing!!! Call 525- 3542/3505 and ask for Matt. Leather Jewellery Call Heather at 525-4497. UBC educated writer will tutor, English, ESL, and French. Call 525- 3486. Fishtank for sale. Medium size: 1 ft. by 2 ft by 1.5 ft. deep. Call Betty at 944-1172 evenings. SUPPORT STAFF- RESIDENTIALYoung dynamic organization needs innovative flexible employees to support in- dividuals in Surrey area who have a mental hand- icap in their home setting. Must be able to work as a team member creating a positive family atmos- phere.$8.35/hr, class 4 driver's licence. Shifts in- clude afternoons,eve.s and overnight. Full benefits after 3 mo.Please send resume to: Com- munity Living Society Suite 102 395 W. Broad- way Vancouver BC V5Y 1A7Attn.:Denise Boudreau or phone 873- 4733Ref #101 SUPPORT STAFF- VOCATIONAL Position available integrating in- dividuals with mental handicaps into the workforce. Employees must present positive public image, take initia- tive, have a supportive at- titude and be flexible. May include some recreation. Class 4 driver’s license re- quired. Daytime hours, starting wage of $8.35/hr, full company benefits after 3 mo. Please send resume to: Community Living Society Suite 102 395 W. BroadwayVancouver BC V5Y 1A7 Attn.:Denise Boudreau or phone 873- 4733 Ref#100 Room and Board for n/s2 female or 2 male stu- dents SHARE room. $300ea. w/d, close to buses and college. living room privledges, avail. July 1st/90 Phone: 521- 4346. B.C. Invitational 1990 Summer Music Games, Wednesday, July 4, 1990, 7 - 10:15pm. Bear Creek Park, Surrey. A Drum & Bugle Corps Competition featuring 1989 World Champions Santa Clara Vanguard. Get your com- plimentary tickets at Guildford Town Centre, the Surrey Leader, Surrey Parks and Recreation Commission Municipal Hall, or by phoning 585- 9311. HALF PRICE - Plane ticket from Vancouver to Montreal. Monday, July 2nd, 1990. Call Julie as soon as possible at 526- 1983. FOR SALE: Black & white 14" TV - $60 obo; Take Me Away This endless love cannot be outshone Your sweet smile cannot be replaced This special feeling cannot be changed This need to hold you grows day by day And this sweet kiss is only for you So come and take me away. Ronnie Bains Send us your poetry, and if we have space, we’ll print it. If we) get enough, we may even start an "Other Poetry" page. Submit all kinds of writing, graphics, photos, whatever to Room 1602. This Feeling... Since the day we met I’ve had this feeling... My heart beats faster when I see you, I long to see your face To capture the image in my eyes, And treasure it in my mind, When I look into your eyes I am at a loss of words, And then it comes, Oh that feeling... Unlike any other No one can take your place My heart aches, And now I realize That this feeling is not just a feeling But it is love. Ronnie Bains Lovers Together Adoring the words You whisper in my ear, Holding you close And letting our hearts Speak in kisses, Loving you only And telling you so, Watching your eyes They dance and sparkle, Wanting you more Moving towards you, Putting my head On your shoulder, Letting my emotions Take all control, In every glance I see your love, With every kiss I know why We can’t be apart. Ronnie Bains love seat & sofa - $60; 2 chairs - $10 each; wooden desk - $60; massage table - $75; 2 lamps - $30 each obo. Must sell IMMEDI- ATELY. Please call 526- 2081. CAR FOR SALE: 1980 AMC Spirit, 4 speed hatchback, Good clean condition. $1500.00. Call 421-1911. COMPUTER SALE. 4 in 1 XT package: Turbo XT Computer, 640K RAM, 360K & 720K floppy drives, Parallel, Serial, & CGA built in video, Real- time clock/calendar, 101 key keyboard, MS DOS manual, GW-Basic manual & technical manual, 32 Mb Hard Drive, Datatrain 14" CGA Monitor (paperwhite), Star NP-109 pin printer, with tons of software including Word Perfect 5.0 and Lotus 1-2- 3. PRICE - $1299!!! Please call Gabriel at 461-7648 |, after 6pm (Tues. to Sun.). BOOKS FOR SALE - BUS 250: Enterpreneur- ship & New Venture Mgmt, by Kao/Knight; PHI 101: Thinking Logically (book & manual/study guide), by Freeman; MKTG 120: Foundation of Mktg, by Beckman/Kurtz/Boone; BUS 210: Management For Productivity, by Isted. Please call Connie at 583- 9519. 1977 Toyota Corolla in great condition, runs well. $900.00 obo. Please con- | tact Don @533-4490. ° Available July 1, 1990: 1bdrm + den, large base- ment suite with fireplace, drapes, wall to wall. No laundry facility - 1 blk away laund-mart. Non-smoker, no pets. $575.00 utilities incl. Fraser & 22nd Ave., 10 mins from downtown, 15 mins to Metrotown. Phone 876-4558 after 6pm. For Sale: 1982 Accord 2dr, 5spd, AM/FM cass. New brakes & clutch. Exc. condition, no rust! Blue, nice looking. $3995 obo. Trust me. Call Josephine | 931-7289. Algebra & Trigonometry w/solution manual - $35; Computers: The User Perspective w/flowcharts & disks - $30; Fundamen- tal Accounting Principles w/study guides - $30. Call Rose 525-0469. Reliable, punctual driver for depositing kiosks needed a.s.a.p. Good pay, though part-time. Shellina, - Urban Expresso, 421- 6284. _ Matthew “as Jo" Marin Vecest Contributors: Dovid Daxter Reading Collective You The Other Press is located at Room 1602 of the New Westminster campus of Douglas College until the beginning of August. Come down and be a happy member of our collective. We're really busy doing lots o’stuff of a very fun nature. If you act soon, you could even qualify to be one of the lucky paticipants in "The Other Moving Party.” The details of this secret rite are of course con- ees OO mbers. We Books To Sell: Using oes ; "/ Advanced Algebra - $15; | Gai vou k