MAD HATTER 16 RECENT AUDIO-VISUAL ACQUISITIONS (Cont'd) FEBRUARY, 1987 Earth Explored Series (Cont'd) Water: A Cutting Edge with Time: Water has sculptured much of the earth's surfaces and created dramatic landforms in a unique manner. This program examines some of the most spectacular evidence of water's work in carving out canyons as it traces a stream from its Rocky Mountain headwaters to the Plains and in the geologic and human devastation that can occur when water levels change rapidly. The Alps: Part Two: This program focuses on the Pennine region of the Alps, describing its origins, defining Klippen formations and explaining metamorphic textures and the way scientists are able to study deformation folds using wax models. Aerial footage and further laboratory studies, coupled with field observations, provide evidence of the mountain building process which is still occurring in the region. From Swamps to Coal: Observations about the nature of the swamp environment (in this case, the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia) provide clues for geologists searching for coal. Using core samples and observations about the rich and varied life forms in the area, it becomes possible to see the processes and history which create a coal deposit. Animation and microscopic photography further demon- strate how plants begin their mysterious transformation to coal. Electromagnetic Radiation Video }" 30 mins. The program begins with a discussion of the properties of light, including demonstrations of light's behaviour as both wave and particle. Other properties of light, refraction and the visible spectrum, are explained as well. Visualiza- tions are used to show the interrelationship btween frequency, wave-length, energy level, and the constant speed of electro- magnetic radiation. Equilibrium - The Limit of Disorder Video *" 25 mins. The rate and direction of change in chemical reactions is discussed; electrolysis and free energy are demonstrated. (LAWS OF DISORDER Series).