COLLEGE EDUCATION COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS o The following items were discussed at the November 12, 1986 meeting of the College Education Committee: id The Chairman welcomed Arlene Bomback and Petra Bangemann, representatives of the student body at large. 2. Associate of Science Diploma. Doug Talling spoke to the sub-committee's response to the Department of Sciences and Mathematics. The following resolutions, dealing specifically with the Associate of Science Diploma, were passed: (a) WHEREAS the requirements of the Associate of Science Diploma are likely to result in the completion of course work which will exceed the 75 credit maximum allowed by Policy E02.03.03; BE IT RESOLVED that the Department of Sciences and Mathematics is instructed to apply to the College Education Committee for a variance to the said policy. (b) | WHILE the Sub-committee concurs with the Department of Sciences and Mathematics that the current statement regarding diploma elective requirements is ambiguous, the College Education Committee recommends that the statement be changed from "5. Any 7 Douglas College credit courses", to read: , "5. Any 7 Douglas College university-transfer credit courses." y During the Sub-committee's review, it was noted that certain inconsistencies appear to have developed within Policy E02.03.03 and between this policy and the College Calendar. The Sub-committee recommended that the Staff Officer ensure that those inconsistencies noted be removed by amendments to the Educational Policies and changes to the College Calendar. It was also recommended that the Committee, in its review of the Policy Manual, bring inconsistencies within and between policies to the attention of the Staff Officer. As recommended in the recent self-study, that "the College should immediately undertake the development of a comprehensive formal program and discipline review", the Committee passed the following resolution: THAT in order to determine if student needs are currently being met by the Associate Diplomas in Arts and Sciences, the College Educational Committee recommends that the goals of the University-Transfer Tracking Study be amended to provide this information for a needs assessment of these diplomas. The Sub-committee reiterated its earlier recommendation regarding the concept of a Standarized format for calendar copy. Although outside of the terms of reference of the Sub-committee, the matter of identification of specific courses from universities not offered at the College was reviewed. Bill Day advised he has been named to a URC Committee on Admissions and Admissions policies. One of the issues the Committee will be dealing with is block transfer. It would be beneficial to ask the universities to define what they are looking for at the lower levels.