Walaa 7 The student aid endowment was orginally started two and a half years ago under the auspices of the Douglas College Student Trust. This group was {ater amalgamated into the Founda- tion. Fundraising efforts have been suppor- ted by a wide variety of community groups, with the Vancouver Founda- tion offering a dollar for dollar matching of all other donations. “We're very proud to receive such lremendous response,” said Emerton. “With the Foundation, we can help make Douglas College the type of community based institution we really want to be.” Emerton said the wide extent of community involvement is expressed on the Foundation Board of Directors with representatives from local busi- ness, community groups, and the dif- ferent internal components of Douglas College. STUDENT ENDOWMENT The student endowment fund of the Douglas College Foundation has grown to over $310,000, says Founda- tion Chairman Bill Emerton. Emerton, Chairman of the Foundation Board of Directors, and a former Chairman of the Douglas College Board, said the money will go along way in ensuring capable and deserv- ing students have opportunities to att- end Douglas College. “It's a great beginning,” said Emerton. “We couldn't have done it without the support and assistance from our college faculty, staff, students, administration and the Foundation Board.” The Foundation was formed in February 1986 to raise money for programs and projects which meet the needs of the students and communi- ties Douglas College serves. a The Douglas College Foundation is pleased to announce guidelines for grant submissions. Over the summer a modest amount of money was raised by the Foundation, with support from members of the college community. These fundraising efforts will enable the Foundation to accept applications for projects of up to $500. Applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors in December. Proposals must be in the Foundation Office by November 21 in order to be considered at this review period. Grant recipients are required to submit a fiscal and program report upon completion of the project. The purpose of the Douglas College Foundation is to provide financial sup- port for college and community programs and projects. All proposals mus! further the goals of Douglas College in meeting the needs of its students and the communities if serves. FOUNDATION APPLICATION PROCEDURES Proposals should include: 1. Name of person responsible for the proposed project. 2. Nature of project, including specific objectives. 3. Management timelines. 4. Details of other groups cooperating sponsoring the project. 5. Relationship of the project to department/College goals. 6. Total project budget. 7. Support from other sources. 8. Amount requested from the Douglas College Foundation. 9. Names of referees or other persons who may be consulted about the project. 10. All applications must be received prior to commencement of the project in order to be considered. 11. The decision of the Foundation Directors is final. plan, — including individuals or and/or co- In addition to the $310,000 already raised for student financial aid, the Foundation also raises funds in the community for fine arts, athletics, and other worthwhile educational projects. In the New Year, the Foundation will give out its first grants for projects at Douglas College not related to direct student financing. To continue the good work already begun, Emerton said the Douglas College Foundation requires donations of money, gifts in kind, en- dowments, scholarships and other types. To contact the Douglas College Foundation call local 4801.