INTRODUCING: THE COMMUNITY RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE WHO? Randi Duke - Community Resource Development Officer, Room 4800E, Local 4811. WHAT ? To serve as the focal point for information on project ideas and funding sources for the college and the community. To develop a complete information source of available regional, provincial and national sources of sponsorship that could be identi- fied with new and expanding Col- lege activities. To co-ordinate all applications for funding made through, or in conjunction with, the college for which alternative sources of fund- ing must be found. HOW ? Contact the Community Resource Development Officer to discuss potential project ideas and fund- ing sources. Consult with colleagues and super- visors regarding operational im- plications and ongoing project commitments. Prepare prospective applications for funding with assistance from the Community Resource Development Office. At their meeting on October 4, Management Committee approved the terms of reference for operation of the Community Resource Development Office. For further information, contact Randi Duke. MAD HATTER PAGE 2 APPOINTMENTS Joyce Cameron, Literacy Instructor at the | college, has been invited to serve on an Advisory Committee of the Open Learning Institute which will examine OLI's present and future role in Literacy level educa- tion. | Gerry DellaMattia has been appointed to the, Executive Committee of the Post-Secondary Institutional Research Committee of B.C. The committee is a consortium of B.C. col- leges, institutes, universities and agen- cies dealing with post-secondary education. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES Due to delays in the Student Finance Of fice this semester, the deadline to apply for scholarships and bursaries administered by Douglas College has been extended to Oct- ober 21. Applications are available in the Student Finance Office. Award descriptions are contained in the Douglas College Calendar. Julie Steele INTRAMURALS AND ATHLETICS A hearty congratulations to the Douglas College Golf Team for placing second in the Totem Conference Golf Tournament held Cct- ober 1 & 2 in Kamloops. Garry Cusson had the second best individual score and coach Gert Van Niekerk had the best score among coaches. Good work guys: Another trophy for Douglas College. Indoor soccer (which started October 6), runs from 1200 to 1400 hours in the gym and! all staff and faculty not playing, come and cheer on your representative team "The Com- | bos". These guys are to be admired - they were willing to play even before they knew referees were to be supplied. Second level gym doors will be open, so drop into the gym on October 20 and watch the action.