MARGARET ATWOOD -- CANADIAN AUTHOR AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE MARGARET ATWOOD, poet, novelist and erttte wtll be at DOUGLAS COLLEGE, Surrey Campus, four-room complex, on MARCH 14, 1975, L2 noon to 2 p.m. ALL INVITED. FREE. 5 - nt oe eset pe me fa ee ae a Margaret Atwood is one of Canada's foremost poets: her most recent volume is Power Politics, her best known poems are probably The Journals of Susanna Moodie, a series of meditations which might have occurred to that redoubtable pioneering lady. Atwood's novels, The Edible Woman and Surfacing have been widely read and highly esteemed by critics--not a usual combination. Many students have enjoyed Survival, her critique of Canadian Literature, which Manages to be both thought-provoking and very funny--another combination of virtues lamentably rare in the literary world. -Offered by English and Communtcattons Divtston, Douglas College