TASK FORCE ON THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE VISIT TO DOUGLAS CCLLEGE Proposed Timetable . Monday, January Zu New West Campus 9:00 - 9:30 - 19:30 - 11:00 - 11:30 - 2S 30 = 1:30 - 2:00 = 9230 LOR 30 11:90 L230 sores BEY 2:00 3:90 Présentation to Statt Viscvssion wich §s Cobt ie Petsh Presanta tion: tit iA } } 3:00 = 3430 3230 - 4:00 4:00 = 5:00 In the-period 12:30 to AS 2 Student Covernment Members fron the rel oe Deo & ete invited to meet with On the Monday evening, made to have. the Task renresentative cross ‘ The Task Force will bine v with the scudencts ane interest, particularly as SLUR ty 9200 = 99230 9330 = 10:30 10:30 = 11:30 RET sOe a! 29> OD) 12:90 - 1:00 a8 25. le poaeeees in!) the Tss.0 Farceuwe 2 ae x Fe We oy as RSS yr 8 eee eas 3230 = (2:00 Presentst tor SoysSeace 22:00 = ° 3.400 Disecsston Mish Seer 32700 — 3:30 BEesc reaction go) Facute 3230 = 4330 Discdsston with Yaculey It is sugszested that on the TuCSeay. EVER 5 Tee ae r Task Force would meet with the Collece Cowmaat ss cre 5 ¢ Genie, ht at @ : Ce! with the voti Bursar will A dinner meeting has been Suscested dn orde l Members, whovdre ‘also School Trestees) wii Opportunity to meet the Task For prise Schodl Baard Meetings. This mact College Councfl for confirms tion.