Wanted Shared accommodation—female preferred. 1 bed- room, furnished, close to Douglas and Royal Mall with access to phone or fax machine, cable includ- ed. $350 + 1/2 deposit. Call Marta @ 526-3607 _ Roommate Wanted: to share a bright, spa- cious, two-bedroom apartment. Located in New Westminster, near 4th St and Agnes St. Close to transit: 2 min. walk to Columbia SkyTrain and buses. Very close to Douglas College (2 min. walk). Laundry, furnished or unfurnished. Share the rest of the apartment with me: mature, female student (SFU), employed full-time. A gay/lesbian positive household. A considerate, nonsmoking female roommate is preferred. Sorry, no pets. Available March ist. Rent = $362. k 50 + utils (approx $7.00/mo). For more info, call 517-5516 _ Student Painters needed now. College-Pro Painters. $8-10 per hour, good hours. New West/Coquitlam. Call Aidam 464-4890 BURQUITLAMANIMAL HOSPITAL requires part-time weekend staff. Duties: kennels, recep- tion, phones, janitorial. Resumes in person 559 Clarke Rd. Coquitlam Single woman seeking single man 39-45 Romantic, likes to watch movies, listen to music, read, take long walks, Great appearance, clean. Please respond to the OP, addressed LRD Very submissive Oriental professional male in the medical field seeking a very domineering female into B&D, S&M, and a very kinky lifestyle (e.g. toilet slavery). Please send a reply to Ste 843 101-1001 West Broadway, Serious replies only please. All replies answered Looking for cleaning work. Experienced clean- ing lady, $10/hour. References provided, Call 421- 5458. Ask for Linda or leave a message Attractive, hot and sweaty Asian Lesbian—QAL, can be very affectionate, playful, outrageous, likes nonconformity, being active and cute. Seeking other queer woman (especially Asians) for some fun and dates. Send reply to Classifieds c/o the Other Press Handsome, sincere, Canadian Caucasian professional man 30, seeks younger, honest and attractive Asian woman for life partner and mar- riage. Serious replies only. Write to Nickolas c/o the Other Press Classifieds For Sale ’ ‘ Computers custom built to your specifications with brand name, high quality components and soft- ware. Call Psycom at 951-3008 - Teaching piano history, theory. Music educa- tion on a high academic level. Cred, PhD, DMA. 420-1676 Two Raleigh mountain bikes for sale. Never been used. Valued at $300 a piece, selling for $100 each. Call Ray, 524-4177 igh Contrast Display 16 MR Ram, rive, 14X CD-Rom, 33.6K bps 95, Microsoft Office 97, case negotiable 329-4169 1998 Page 32 Two bikes $50 each, not mountain bikes. Call 525-6764 A dual Mode Ericsson (DF388vi) cellular phone with rapid charger for sale. Negotiable price. Must sell. Mandeep Brar (604) 250-4198/ (604) 714-7854 (par) : Electric guitar lessons by professional mus- cian graduated from GIT Hollywood. CA. Also music theory & songwriting reasonable rates!! Instructor Kimie (604) 585-8007, Electronic Typewriter with built in 3.5 disk drive. Must sell leaving country. $200 (obo) reg. $350. Call Shawn at 467-3574 Colour monitor, keyboard, new 28.8 intemal — modem (PC). All in excellent condition. 517-1414 Looking for an excellent source of reliable transportation? Look no further...1980 Citation, looks good, excellent running condition, $500 firm. Call 443-9238 anytime # Douglas College psychiatric nursing grad 1999 committee is raising funds by selling enter- tainment books. Contains hundreds of 2 for 1 dis- counts on dining, shopping, movies, sports and more. $46.00 each, to order contact Tia at 540-7377 Volunteer Opportunities Buraby Volunteer Centre has volunteer opportu nities in many areas. Contact the Burnaby Volunteer Centre at 294-5533 Women volunteers needed for the Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter. Interested in vol unteering for our: 24 hour crisis line, transition house for women and their children. Training ses- sions Tuesday evenings. Call 872-8212 Vancouver Crisis Centre urgently needs vol unteers to work on 24 hour distress lines. Those interested call 872-1811 Would you like to meet someone from around the world right here in Surrey or Delta? Join the Host Program! No cost involved—just call Chris at 597-0205 loc. 216 Services Word Processing: Professionally prepared: Essays, Thesis, Reports, Projects, Letters, Resumes, Tape transcriptions and budgeting. Ten years experience. Includes spell checking, gram- mar, presentation and style. Call Kent at: (604) 421-1035 Ser GS Free tape or book. Multiple streams of $$$ famous millionaire maker reveals how to earn 1k to 10k/month from home. 24 hr message. 888- 564-6121 ; e IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH CONVERSA- TION. Fun & Friendly. Experienced: 2 years in Japan. Qualified: SFU Graduate & Certified in Tokyo. Private Lessons: learn pronunciation, writ- ing skills, nuances, an enlarged English vocabulary—ESL & TEFL with customized class- es: $20.00/hr. Group Lessons: 1-4 students; 2-3 hour class, 2-4 days per week for 1 month: $300.00. Close to the 22nd St SkyTrain Station. Call Joe Pelech 515-9703. Or Email: Joe@light- speed.be.ca Patient Mandarin tutor available. Able to com- municate in English without mandarin accent and vice versa. Flexible rates. Contact Johnson Tai at OP (room 1020) 525-3542 or home 521-3467 Parking. Two blocks from college. Gated underground parking available days/evenings. Jan after 6 pm 524-5933, : Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place? Got a tough call to make? Douglas College Campus Crusade for Christ sponsors a prayer ministry! Give us a call! Pager 978-9773 Protect yourself against photo radar, for your free information package call Allan or Amy at 527-4035 Research and thesis briefs from the Information Assistance Group. Cut your study time in half. For more information call 583-0558 Infant care by ECE mom ft/pt days/evenings. Near Douglas College. Jan after 6 pm 524-5933 Resumes professionally prepared and laser printed. Two years experience, and not an unsatis- fied customer yet! Can do last minute service, and even meet you at school! Please call 443-9238 Want to sing? An experienced voice teacher has opening for students: beginner & intermediate. Good rates. Call Mary at 582-8427 or email kmsiever@cnx.net = The lovingly repugnant Reverend Tom is not going anywhere this summer. So, if you have any questions concerning God, sweaty summer sex or if you want to ask him if he’s buggered a boy late- Y, drop your inquiries off at room 1020 or email him at opinions@op.douglas.bc.ca__ Career Assessments phone (604)536-4277, fax (604)536-7133 John Patterson B.Sc., M.A. “If you don't know where you are going you may end up somewhere else” Vocational testing will assess your “career self” (Interests, Needs, Aptitudes and Personality) and give you direction and information about educational programs. If you are planning to enter college or a training program assessment will benefit you. Maximum fee is $160.00 Fortune Reading $25 session. Ask for Linda 421-5458 or leave message _ Relax with Reiki by Stirling! Free Reiki ses- sions at Douglas College, and the New West Campus on Monday afternoon, to book appoint- ments please call Dorothy Cross at 527-5038 Announcements _ It is time once again to be thinking about the DCSS student handbook. Anyone interested in participating in this project please call Darryl Flasch at 527-5109. | would like to get full repre- sentation from all student society members in the 98/99 calendar! All talent is appreciated! The Douglas College Student Society is a great hang out for students but it needs input from its membership. | am looking for interested parties to help spruce up the Student Building. If you can paint murals or know of a keen way to make the DCSS more fun and inviting, please call Darryl Flasch at 527-5109