on ifgiaey are el Pro} a € * et 4 Is to the fate of post-secondary Bive Conservative thrust ted toward the stimulation of ent. They state that a large tage of Federal spending goes et interest payments on the They also believe that a capital ust occur from the public sector As-stA . ss "' The Other Press to the private sector. They plan to rely : on the tax system rather than a grant system as incentives for business. In the tax department, the PC’s propose to make the tax system fair and equitable, to simplify and review tax laws in order to minimize tax avoidance by corporations and persons in Canada, with their final goal being a lower, but broader tax base. The PC’s plan to stress research and development with a major emphasis‘on new technology. Mulroney believes that Canada is lagging far behind in technological development. It is this technological lag that is partly respon- sible for low Canadian productivity levels, which further are responsible for a slumping world demand for Canadian produced products. The Liberal youth job creation scheme involves two programs: the Young Entrepreneurs Development Program and the First Chance Program. The First Chance Program is a one- year program designed to help young ple who are in need of career orientated skills. This program is budgeted at over $100 million and will cover areas of training such as job search techniques, basic business, life skills and communications. The re- maining part of the year will be spent ..inon-the-job training provided by host please 1 is a contradic- bn breaks down as efore break down Ind freedom are ‘is responsible for ocial system. The f government is of healthy, social e evidence is all nching the edge of The choice facing social system with d by a priviledged stem based on the e first results in a espair, while the bt happiness and ilosophy based on ianism recognizes ist freely, and the ‘under equal law. hat any individual ist outside the law thtfully restrained. nt that is the only nd ‘its only rightful num freedom and U salizing the il derstanding ial freedom to act nd health of our of the Libertarian eregulation of the s, free trade, and ding to the end of is relatively new. ee ee ee stand up! The primary goals of the B.C. campaign, under the auspices of the Greater Vancouver Libertarian Association, are informing the public of the arty’s ideals and goals, and organizing to ome more politically effective in the future. It may well be asked that if the goal of Libertarianism is to depoliticize our society, why create a political party? The answer is that not one of the major parties sincerely advocates the drastic reduction of the role of government in society. Their business is the promotion of government and they actively work for its success. They do not understand that government is the cause of our problems and not the solution. The dynamics of the relationship make it so. The success of government action is measured by the loss of political freedom, and by economic chaos. Libertarians, as consistent promoters of freedom and peace, know the only way to remove the oppressive structure of government is to first control the mechanisms, and then dismantle the machinery. This necessitates attaining political office and then restraining governemnt wherever it coercively infringes on.the rights of individuals. Libertarianism’s greatest challenge is to seek recognition in a society of philosophical morass that has no clear political principles. The only political constant is the promotion of the power relationship that exists between government and ; people. This is anathema to Libertarians and their creed of freedom and individual rights. Liberty is first and foremost a concept. It is dependent on clear and consistent philosophical articulation. Political freedom and economic prosperity must be preceded by a philosophical renaissance articulating the principles of freedom, peace, and prosperity. Then can we truly look to a new political age that ensures peace and justice for all. Libertarianism is working toward this goal. ns discover young people businesses. The skills offered in this program are designed to bridge the gap between school and work for youth between the ages of 17 and 21. The Young Entrepreneurs Develop- ment Program is designed to ‘‘bring young people into small business,’’ and is ‘‘directed toward young people between the ages of 18 and 30,”’ says Terry Julian. This program offers up to $10,000 to help young people start their own small business. _ The Liberals are offering three ways to stimulate the economy and the job market: the simplification of tax law, a full deduction of capital losses for small business and the creation of Small Business Canada. Small Business Canada is designed to aid the small business sector by giving such information as tax law, the procedure for the application of gov- ernment grants and programs and various financial services. When asked if there were any planned cut-backs in social services in the Liberal budget Terry Julian quoted John Turner. ‘‘It ’s going to be a lean government, not a mean govern- ment.’’ The major focus of the NDP is youth job creation. They have three proposals: a serious government commitment to setting out procedure and a timetable to attain the goal of providing a job for every Canadian willing to work; the estab- lishment of an apprenticeship program through a levy-grant system for indus- try; and a plan to make corporate tax breaks conditional on job creation, employee retraining programs, re- -search and development and the purchase of Canadian produced equip- ment. The New Democrats are.also stress- ing the need to stimulate the small business sector of the economy. | TERRY JULIAN, LIBERAL page 9 They plan to ensure that banks provide more loans to small business-. es at the same rates given to big businesses. The NDP has committed itself to providing more risk and capital ven- ture monies for small business. The New Democrats have also expressed a great concern about tax rates. They plan to make sure small businesses pay lower tax rates than big businesses. In addition, they plan to eliminate the scheduled Liberal increase in personal income tax, which amounts to over $1.4 billion. They are campaigning to eliminate what they feel to be an unfair tax system where some Canadians making over $50,000/year are literally paying no income tax. To alleviate this, they’re proposing a minimum tax for everyone. Another NDP proposal for stimulat- ing the economy is the lowering of . interest rates. They plan to keep rates below nine per cent and introduce legislation that would discourage un- necessary investment outflow by tax- ing profits. The reasoning behind their tax proposals is to give Canada an interest rate that is independent of the United States’ policy. This election is hopefully going to set a trend for the future, in which youth issues are a prominent facet in party platforms. Behind the political rhetoric lie proposals that concern not only students or young people, but all Canadians. We are the future of Canada and it’s refreshing to see that we are finally getting some of the political attention we deserve.