The Other Press To the Editor: There should be more con- sideration shown for students who attend Douglas College at night. Many of us night stu- dents work during the day. Whether it’s part-time or full- time work, we are very tired by the time we arrive at the col- lege. Sometimes we arrive here three hours before our class starts and don’t know what to do with ourselves. Would it be possible to pull together and unite as one crowd and one voice? We could form an army and cry out at the top of our tounges about how unjustifiab- ly BAD the coffee is at 6 PM. We could scream louder than the ALRT about what courses are not offered at night in order for us to complete our programs. We could yell at teachers who do not permit us to stop for our long deserved 15 minute break. And we could shout about the book store not being open for us even though you just did a “suicide” run from. work to get to the store before it closed. These and many more ‘grumps’ will pass through the minds of those who work dur- ‘ing the day and attend Douglas College at night. DeBod Other Press Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper To the Typesetting Coordinator Ever since reading your Au- tonomous Student Newspaper, I have been mystified by your intriguing typesetting method, leaving large white gaps in- between (sic) and _ obviously rarely bothering to justify sentences. You must be doing on purpose for a reason, be- cause in the Nightlines layout by Maria Janicker there are no ugly holes. Perhaps Maria Janicker does her own typesett- ing and knows some-thing you don’t. On the other hand, it oc- curred to me that you stretch the copy on purpose to fill the paper, but that doesn’t make sense, because you could save yourself money... Your advertisement for Player’s cigarettes I find downright immoral. After see- ing plees from people who are dying from a miserable, painful death due to heavy smoking, you still have the gall to en- courage young students to be- come nicotine addicts. And all this for a few measly doll- ars...You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Most sincerely disgusted, Evie Montgomery To the students of Douglas College In response to Evie Montgomery’s letter, we apol- ogize for the poor quality of the typesetting in the past issues of the Other Press. We had just recently bought the new type- setter and we are still working all of the bugs out of it. As you may see in this issue, we have solved a lot of problems in the way of spacing, making it a much nicer looking paper. We appreciate your input and hope that more letters, regarding ei- ther the look or the content of the paper, will be forthcoming from the students. Jeff House Typesetting Coordinator Bank When You Like= Davyor wight... . Our Personal Touch Banking machines are available 24 hours a day! Bank during YOUR hours anytime, day or night at any conveniently placed machine. If your hectic classroom schedule keeps you from doing your banking during regular hours, see us about a Royal Bank Client Card. With it you can make deposits, withdrawals, trans- fers and payments — after you choose your own Personal Security Code! Cards with- out credit entitlement are available to all tan 2593 ROYAL BANK There are over 80 Personal Touch Banking locations in the Lower Mainland. And your Client Card also gives you’ withdrawal privileges through any banking machine in Canada and the U.S. displaying one of these symbols: erst My 00" wes