AD HATTER 4 the college, and he fielded questions covering Business, Academic subjects, Nursing, the Maple Ridge campus and many other areas. Bill Bell provided the Douglas College back- drop and the funds for set-up; Barb Franck and John manned the booth with some help from students. Our students also acted as ushers for all the technical seminars and were thus able to participate free of charge. As a result of the booth, we have four em- ployer contacts for permanent and part-time work, and cooperative edu- cation. John’s recommendation is that we do it again. Thanks, John, for a job well done. Connie Land RESERVE PLACEMENT Please be reminded that, in order to ensure placement of materials on reserve in the Library by the beginning of the spring semester, requests should be submitted by December 1|5, 1986. Joan Wenman BOOKING LISTS Please help us by sending in your film booking/equipment lists as soon as possible for the Spring 1987 semester. lf you need any instructor's request forms, call Elizabeth at local 2104. Elizabeth Bell ADMISSIONS CLERK REGISTRAR’S OFFICE We wish to advise that Myrna Wing is the successful candidate for the Admissions Clerk position in the Registrar's Office. We are very pleased to have Myrna in the Admissions Office on a permanent basis. Trish Angus, Registrar MARKETING CLUB’S ANNUAL FOOD BANK DRIVE I's time once again...For the Market- ing Club's Annual Food Bank Drive!! Departments will again compete against each other in donating the most items. The drive will run during the week of December Ist to 5th (this week). Look for the Food Bank donation box in the lounge area of your department. (NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS ONLY, PLEASE). To kick off the drive, a social will be held on Monday, December Ist at Chicago Tonight. Cost - only $2.00 - bring a can - door prizes. Help get the food bank drive off the ground! The Douglas College Marketing Club AUDIENCES “FIND” CHARLEY Congratulations are certainly in order to everyone involved with the recent theatre production, “Where's Charley?” which closed Saturday, November 22 to a completely full house. (Actually there was slightly more than a full house!) The show proved extremely popular and no doubt the delighted audiences helped spread the word. A number of people commented that Douglas College play productions are just getting better and better. So anyone who missed out on this production should definitely plan on going to the next one! Dorothy Jones, Director, Where’s Charley ATHLETICS AND INTRAMURALS Soccer News The Hajduk Split team won the indoor soccer league. They were awarded Douglas College t-shirts with a colourful crest design. They will also have a huge team trophy placed in the trophy cabinet along with a colour pic- ture taken by |.M.S. Next semester, floor hockey will be the main activity and sign-up sheets for teams are already posted. Staff and faculty are welcome to form a team with the addition of students or join a student team. Let me know - Betty Lou Hayes at local 5338. Wrestling The Douglas College wrestling team competed in the Royal Roads Tourna- ment on November | 5th and cleaned up with a total of 68 points. Their closest rival was the Alberni Wrestling Club with 48 points. Good Show!