= = + p= == = nn | number of school Se students, pela # -recreation facil ities, roads, ch urches, “ho= tels, professional offices, factories, and geseitales Sator said, “This data base will become very, very valu able for the community as a whole," Sator said. "For example, if someone wants: to open a business and they've never been here, they can get a hell of an idea what New Westminster is like.” | The report can also be used to determine what the impact a change in population would have: Ra i base or potest sec- AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURES AUXILIARY STAFFING AND SUBSTITUTE. INSTRUCTORS FOR At a recent meeting of the Colle ege ‘Management Committee, the above subject \ was ‘reviewed. The following motion passed: THAT Mid-managers- (Chairmen and Directors) be given the authority and responsibility for authori- zing auxiliary staffing and sub- stitute instructors, ‘effective August cle 1984. ‘Needs Survey What are- ‘the barriers that prevent a person from obtaining an education and what can Douglas College do to help break them? fs ‘These are just two of the questi ons a group | ‘of students will be trying to answer when | “DOUGLAS ¢ wae Tot | they: take a ques tionnai re to the poutine | 1 i | Moody , Ma idge, ae Coquitlam, and Pitt |Meadows this summer. I Tanya Renton, George Colussi and Beverly Ruffell are working with Dan Ferguson pre- paring recomme) ations to make access to adult. “up-gradi ng education. more available. nes group is looking for specific target within, the region, focusing on areas |cation. onnaire will try to determine what factors are most responsible for pre- reg, a n from attending Douglas ‘College, whether it's cost, day-care facili-| ties, a "ack of knowledge on what is bei "9 loffered," said Colussi. "Our ques tio |ketplace ith valid and proper informatit on jon. accessibility," totucs! stated. 1 |The group will be doing a pre-test of its Jafte rwhich they will re-examine the validity. lof some of their questions , said Ferguson. i |The results of the survey coul d be as accu- aie Wecenbtee,, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port | ‘Ri ' (her there mi ght be a moe for further. edu-| i “What we're trying to do eens de the mar- | i | 1 onnai re during the second week of July} Jrate as ninety-five percent, mostly due to — igh number of p ye ‘they, intend to interview, | Ferguson remarked. ‘ | Currently, the gr roup is talking |pal- officials to inform them of The ‘students’ credentials can be checked by \a ee Bl to City Hall > Ferguson said. ee Contexbulas tions are in order. at this summer's graduation exercises at Simon the survey. | ae with munici- if Fraser University, there were some fami vi ar [faces among the degree nace a