| Open House Activities ‘Mad Hatter Page 2 The 1984 Open House of Douglas Colleqe is scheduled for Saturday, March 10th, 1984. The concourse will have booths set up that will represent College departments. From these locations tours will be conducted to displays around the College. To date the displays are as follows: - Psychology Experiments - Anthropology Museum - St. Mungo Dig ~ Criminology Demonstration - Criminalistics - Travel Education - slide shows and films - Office Administration - Word Processing ~ Computer Information Systems - Demonstra- tion on the Apple and the IBM P.C. - Accounting - Video presentation - Physical Education - Activities in the Gym - Karate Demonstration First Year Skill Practice - Pediatrics - Psychiatry - Obstetrics - Long Term Care - Occupational Health - Post Basic Emergency Nursing - Computer Science - hands on demonstration on the Data General System - Official Opening of the Daycare - Theatre Production -"Teahouse of the August Moon" - Community Social Service Worker demonstra- tion - English and Communications - Films - Readings, Creative Writing - Assistance for Writing Resumes - Calligraphy - Mini Lectures Library Tours. - Nursing From the Open House Committee A Pleasant Surprise I was talking to an old acquaintance from Maple Ridge last week. One of his children who graduated from Secondary School was unable, because of circumstances, to carry on directly to university as planned. This person had taken her first year of academic’) studies at the Maple Ridge Centre, and is currently attending the main campus at New Westminster. In summary, he had dropped by to tell me that the family had been absolutely delight- ed with the quality of education provided by the College, and just as importantly, with the quality of the social environment at Douglas. What started out as a necessity | became a desirable alternative. | Too frequently, we are conscious of the frustrations and criticisms implicit of working in education. It is a pleasure to share this affirmation of the value of our work with those who make it happen - the faculty and staff. Bill Day. Heating System The mechanical contractors are undertaking a major alteration to our heating and air conditioning machinery which, we believe, will markedly improve the system. This will involve periodic fluctuations in temperature. We believe that the inconvenience caused by these fluctuations will be well within tol- | erable limits, and will ultimately be worth it. If marked difficulties occur, please, let your supervisor know. Bill Day. Music Events ]. Offenbach's Tales of Hoffman is a musial (caustic, and clever, and sometimes naughty) operatic masterpiece. If you don't know this work, or it's cunning construction, or it's historical signi- ficance, or anything about the opera - and if you find yourself holding tickets to attend the VOA production - or even if you were only toying with the idea of