douglas college Inter Office Memo Date: March 21, 1985, TO: _ DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD From: _W.L. DAY Re: _PRESIDENT'S REPORT A. External Matters - Municipal Over the past month, there have been a number of informal meetings with personnel from the Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development - primarily relating to our proposal for the establishment of a Centre for Small Enterprise Development bid. I am pleased to inform the Board that we have been offered a contract for initial curriculum development for such a centre. A meeting will be held next week to finalize arrangements. I am also pleased to inform the Board that a proposed agreement wil] shortly be presented for their approval regarding a long-term lease on use of New Westminster park facilities - initially, Queen's Park, and later Simcoe Park. I believe that City Council will have reviewed the proposed agreement early next week. As soon as possible thereafter, the City and First Capital City Development Co. Ltd., will be looking to College approval of the agreement. This will in turn allow the College to release First Capital City Development Co. Ltd., from its commitment to provide use of 5 acres on the riverfront for College playing fields. Direction from the Board regarding the process of approval of the agreement is requested. There will likely be some pressure for a speedy process of final negotiation and approval, because of current negotiations on the riverfront. On February 28th, I spent some time with Mr. Bob Skelly, leader of the Opposition in the Province, to discuss educational policy. Mr. Skelly had been on the campus, at a public meeting. On March 2nd, I made a presentation on behalf of community colleges, with special reference to Douglas College, to the B.C. Caucus of the Federal Progressive Conservative Party. Our concerns and proposals, which centered on student aid, co-operative education, small enterprise development, and training for the long-term unemployed, were received with apparent interest and understanding. Mr. Gerry St. Germain, M.P. for Mission - Port Moody, was one of two Members of Parliament designated as contact persons for follow-up on our points. Mr. St. Germain has already indicated enthusiastic interest in certain of our proposals and has promised assistance in furthering them. Copies of the presentation have been sent to M.P's. and MLA's of all persuasions and will be provided to members of the Board. On March 14th, the Greater Vancouver Regional District conference on local economic development was held here at Douglas College. Most Mayors, a number of key Aldermen, and senior staff from all lower mainland municipalities were in attendance.