Response lmagsively underestimated the Trump administration's ability to ignore things, ae it turned out. | Grally returned from downtown only to hear thatea White House press conference wee called—not to address the record-breaking protests held worldwide ageinst the new administration, butte complain that the free prece wee ying sloout inaugurel attendance muambers twhich was wildky untrue) ltwas laughably frustrating to watoh 4 grown man standing atone of the most important podiums in the world whine end lie shout something as petty ap how many people showed up to Donald Trump's ego-driven sffirmation of power, but | had to remind myself that | did mot maroh for Cone Trump. | marched for my friends, for women “ee newer cet, for sore of colour, trance women, queer women, mentally ill women, and for me. While Trump's administration might have ignored us, the rect of the world didn't. Social media has given ug an incredioly metworking too, a lens through which we cen obeerve and celebrate the sotions of others. Millions marched around the world for progress and solidamity. In Wancouvs, an expected turnout of 3,000 protectors beosme @ march of over 15,000 people. | know | will alway be grateful to have been 6 part of it, to actually physically show up and do something fore change. After the hopelecenece and helplecenecs of the lect few months, thic felt bike a turning poont. It finally felt like « proper resistance. = a F —.) anaes M | | | 1 we Criticicm While | went to digques the positive aspects of the march, | feel it's important to note that there was gome controversy eurrounding the Vanoouver WWW. While the organizers of the march apperenth made efforts to contact lool organizations and certainly did an admirable job in putting the voices of indigenous peoples forward, they did not resoch out to the Vancouver chapter of Black Lives Matter. When asked slbout this oversight on their Facebook page, the ongenizers apparently deleted any poste regarding the mistake. It ween't until the Black Lives Matter Vancouver Faorbook page made a port concerning WWMM VR's sotions thet the event organizers addrecsed the matter, stating that the “perceived exclusion” of Black Lives Matter was “entirely unintentionsl.” While lam absolutely grateful thet = march was organized atall for Vancouver, | believe it's important to fully address the exolusion—intended of not—of Black Lives Matter, rather then brushing it off asa matter of “sorry if you felt that wey.” which ip a very weak soology at best and a condesosnding non-epology at worst. it was alear thet the event organizers had very littl: time to put the protect together, which resulted in 2 few mistakes. However, recognizing the misteke is the first step towards fixing it. f this is to be & movement, rather than 4 one-time event, intersectionslity muct be at the forefront of all sotions and considerations. Hopefully organizers and attends: alike have learned from this, aed will do oetter in the future to uplift the woiees of thoes who are often eooken over or ignored entirely. Mowing forward Theat is the question, of course—was this a one-time event, or the etert of something bigger? The marches showed us something incredibly important; they showed us thet we ace not alone. They showed usp that there are many millions of peoole out there willing to ghow wp, willing to fight for a better world and » brighter future. However there is the matter of momentum to consider. ve are facing along four years aheed of us: longer, if neo-fasciam continues to grow aaa threat to progress and freedom. This ig mot the time to stand idly by and take 3 neutrel stance. In the face of euch blatant and horrifying hatred, there ic no meutrality. it's eagy to show up fore glooel protest it’s harder to ack yourself, dey after dey, how you plan to make 4 change. Hoy you plan to Support others, how you plan to uge your orivilege to make a real difference so that others might enjoy the same freedoms that you do. The Women's March on Washington wee only one ay. There sre meny, many more days ahead of ug. We must keep thet pacsion and thet fire burning aq hot as we can, for a long ag we can.